Savvy Sassy Moms is plural for a reason.
From the very beginning I envisioned it to include a variety of Moms with unique voices, different backgrounds, massive amounts of knowledge, creativity and each with their own individual style! It was never suppose to be just about me, and I have been riding this Savvy Sassy train solo long enough. So, without further ado… I’d like to introduce you to the newest Savvy Sassy Contributors!
In her former life, Andriana Spencewas the Public Relations Manager for a high profile fashion company in New York City. After the birth of her first daughter she started Hank & JoJo, an eco-friendly children’s accessories company.
Cut to three years and two kids later (oy!), she is running this very successful company from home and writing on the side! She lives happily in Brooklyn with her husband, Ivan, and their two kids, Josephine and Veronica.
Twitter: @hankandjojo
Sassy Fact: I really wasn’t much of a drinker…until I had my second child! Now nightcap is my BFF
Chris Nease is an entertaining expert with over 13 years experience. Her specialty is creating smaller celebrations for the big events in your life like birthdays, showers, engagements, etc.After being a stay-at-home mom for 8 years Chris took her passion for entertaining to the web and created Celebrations At Home.
She now does freelance writing and design projects related to parties and entertaining, as well as creating real events for clients. Being able to work from home is a blessing which allows Chris to still be there for her 2 children ages 8 and 10.
Blog –
Twitter: @celebrateathome
Sassy Fact: I wear 3-4 inch heels anywhere, anytime, for any occasion. My friends are always surprised to see how short I actually am (5’2”) because I never wear flats. Even my flip flops have a wedge heel!
Christina Montoya Fiedler is a Los Angeles native – born and raised. Before becoming a mom, and writing for various sites so she could be home full time with her son, she was a publicist representing environmentally progressive architects and contractors – one of whom just finished building a home completely out of parts from a Boeing 747. How cool is that?!
Personal Blog – –
Sassy Fact: When I was five years old, I got a jellybean stuck up my nose because I was trying to eat like an elephant. Let’s hope like mother like son is not true in this case, ’cause that’s one emergency trip to the doctor’s I’d like to skip.
Nicole is a stiletto wearing, cabernet sipping Mama to three girls. She is a temporarily-retired Elementary School teacher and freelance writer who writes for Hawaii Parent Magazine and will be featured in upcoming issues of Military Spouse Magazine. Nicole is the author of Moments that Define Life – a blog reflecting on the little, big, challenging and funny parts of life.
Twitter: @MTDLBlog
Sassy Fact: Something fun about me: I’m a closet gangsta – you’ll find more rap on my iPod than any other music genre. Coffee is my crack. On occasion I drink box wine…..because I’m cheap and a little bit trailer. 🙂
WandaI am a 32yr old sassy girl, with a great husband (that works hard so I can stay home and keep a closer eye on the girls) and two daughters (Paloma which is 8 and Kyra which is 4 years old). I love incorporating the girls into the kitchen to see what flavors and designs they come up with. That’s why we came up with My Sweet Zepol (Lopez- backwards), which is my sweet family!
Twitter: @mysweetzepol
Sassy Fact: I am a cancer patient since 2004 with 5 tumors being removed along the years. I go to see my Dr. every 3 months, but have great faith that this cancer will go away and be just a reminder of not just to live but to learn how to live and be alive! Ever since then I have made it a priority to love life and everything I do with mine. From family, to friends, to work; it’s important for me to enjoy them the fullest.
Sara is a teacher by trade, couponer by necessity, and crafter by nature. Since hanging up her high school biology teacher lab coat last summer, Sara now enjoys being at home full-time with her two little guys. She writes the blog, Mom Endeavors, where she shares all kinds of ideas, tips, tricks, and tidbits learned along the way from her many everyday mom endeavors.
Sara enjoys spending time with good friends and her college sweetheart husband, reading a good book, and doing just about anything creative–including dabbling in photography and writing.
Twitter: @momendeavors
Sassy Fact: I’m a band geek! 🙂 I started playing musical instruments in 3rd grade, continuing into adulthood. And, while being a “band geek” may not sound thrilling, it sure had its perks– like performing in 7 European countries, the Fiesta Bowl, and the “Granddaddy of them all”– Rose Bowl Parade & College Football National Championship game!
Terri is a busy mom of 2 young girls. She loves cooking, crafting and blogging. She has a knack for searching out the best of the best in the homemade marketplaces and loves to share her finds with the world. Terri’s blog, My Creative Pathway, is a place where she shares beauty, inspiration and her journey to rediscover her creativity.
Twitter: @mycreativepath
Sassy Fact: I had the same due date for both of my daughters, who were born 2 years apart. They ended up with birthdays only 5 days apart!
Lindsay is a mother of two boys and works in the home designing and renovating anything in her path. She loves design of any kind, whether it is fashion, interior, graphic or otherwise. Design is her passion and she enjoys writing about what she finds at Found for you and me. She enjoys running, yoga, and dancing and improving the health of her family through food and physical activities. She also hopes to run a half-marathon and in between having children and designing she works at that goal with the help and support of her husband.
Twitter: @LindsayBMoore
Sassy Fact: A side effect of loving design so much is that I love fabric and paper. I collect them, maybe not on purpose, but every time I find something that inspires me my collection grows. I have an amazing husband who tolerates my habit.
By day, Alli is a corporate business/marketing analyst for a major weightloss company, wearing fabulous heels of course! By the afternoon and evenings in jeans running around the park, blowing bubbles, crafting, coloring, painting, cooking and spending as much time as humanly possible with my sweet beautiful sassy 2 year old helping her learn and grow!
Twitter: @Diapers_n_Heels
Rumour I am a 30 something Mama to 3 Divas (Piper almost 5, Davilyn almost 3 and Quinn almost 1). We live in Canada on the prairies. I’ve recently returned to work and I am a Lawyer by day wearing suits and white Jackets. When I return home, it’s jeans, yoga pants and t-shirts! I am encouraging my girls to follow their dreams and right now that means I am spending my winter months at the rink watching my oldest play hockey. In the spring you can find me cheering on the sidelines at the soccer pitch. I am a Mamarazzi and love taking photos of my family.
Twitter: @RumourMiller
Sassy Fact: When it comes to music, I definitely like Top 40 but if you look at my iPod, I’m stuck in the1980’s. If I had unlimited funds, I would spend my time hopping from city to city following Bon Jovi as they toured. I guess I’m a groupie wannabe.
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