One more little step,

You will recieve a e-mail message asking you to Confirm your e-mail address and activate your subscription to SavvySassyMoms.  Open that e-mail and Click on the confirmed link, once you do your subscription will be activated. 

I look forward to connecting with you!

Thank You

Andrea Fellman


  1. Brent sent me your link and I have been reading it all morning at work, inbetween customers.

    It’s nice to feel caught up over blogs, I wanted to start one but I’m a bad speller! So far I havnt fount one that I’m happy with.


  2. Love your website Andrea! Hope to reconnect in the future–best wishes, always!

  3. You are awesome!!

    I am really in love with you and your sassy husband, but not in a stalker kind of way!

    It was incredible to meet you both. And I hope it’s not a one night stand….

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