Cold and Flu Season’s Best Defenses

In Living by Christina Montoya FiedlerLeave a Comment

Cold and flu season is indeed upon us, friends. It took my son only three weeks of preschool to contract a horrible cold, and share it with the rest of the family. Our house resembled world war three for about two weeks, and we are only barely beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel after going through a ton of cough drops, over the counter medicines, tissues and more. From one mom to another, here is a list of the best germ fighting products around, plus a few products to help you through the cold/flu if you happen to get it. Add these to your current arsenal of germ fighting/cold relieving products and do you best to stay healthy! Godspeed.

Kleenex Brand Cool Touch Tissues – The product literally saved our sore noses. The tissue actually feels cold to the touch. When you’re blowing your nose about fifty times a day, this really helps.

VioLight UV Toothbrush Sanitizers – Ick. If germs could describe their perfect home, it would be your toothbrush. It is the perfect place for those pesky germs to grow and spread. This product is great for families, and the sanitizers come in all sorts of designs and cute characters so you won’t mind seeing them sitting out on counters. Love it.

Gold Bond Hand Sanitizer Moisturizer – Fight germs and wintery dry skin at the same time. Genius. Plus this stuff smells super fresh and is great for everyday use. I keep a travel size bottle of the stuff in my gym bag, and in the car.

Hibiscus Tea – This stuff is loaded with vitamin C, a natural cold fighter and immune system booster. Brew up a cup on chilly nights. The tart flavor is reminiscent of cranberry.  I’m not going to “say” to add a bit of brandy to it, but if you do, it could really sooth a sore throat. Hint. Hint.

Lysol Disinfectant Spray to Go – I don’t care how crazy it looks. Whipping out this tiny bottle and spraying down my shopping cart or the handles on the elliptical machine at my gym just might save me a few weeks of being out of commish.
What gets you through Cold and Flu season?

Christina Montoya Fiedler is a Los Angeles based parenting writer. Follow her at @cmf2009 and read more at her blog MamatotheRescue.

Meet the Author | Christina Montoya Fiedler

Christina Montoya Fiedler is a Los Angeles native - born and raised. Before becoming a mom, and writing for various parenting sites so she could be home full time with her son, she was a publicist representing environmentally progressive architects and contractors - one of whom just finished building a home completely out of parts from a Boeing 747. Now that's cool!

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