Wonder Bumpers Remove Suffocation Risk

In Kids by Nicole4 Comments

When my oldest daughter was an infant, I was just starting to get wind of the crib bumper suffocation risk. Then the twins came along with all their drama and the fact that they had to “learn” how to breath on their own and I was even more aware – so of course, when I came across these recently, while I am out of those baby stages (and plan to keep on movin’ on….ahem….) I thought they were most certainly worthy of a share here.

Parents concerned about letting their babies sleep in a bare crib now have a solution. Wonder Bumpers are a new design of crib bumpers that remove the suffocation risk associated with traditional bumpers that wrap around the bottom of the crib interior. Wonder Bumpers are a set of individual bumpers that you zip around each crib rail separately, leaving space between the rails for airflow. Parents do not have to worry about their little ones pulling the bumpers down on themselves either, because Wonder Bumpers zipper closure keeps them securely in place while making it easy for parents to remove them for washing. This my friends is brilliant. Sure, it’s a pain to unzip so many bumpers, but I would honestly find the untying of the traditional bumper a bit more annoying simply because they would become so tightened it was nearly impossible to undue them.

Take a look at this new spin on the crib bumper….

Go Mama Go Designs is behind this innovative design which promotes airflow while still protecting the infants head and body from the crib rails.

Traditional crib bumper pads have come under heavy fire recently as the CDC released findings from a new study revealing in 2009 alone, 665 babies died from accidental suffocation or strangulation while asleep. The city of Chicago has banned the sale of traditional bumpers, the American Academy of Pediatrics has declared traditional bumpers dangerous and recommends parents not use them, and several other states are considering bans on the sale of the product as well. Parents seeking an alternative product that will protect their babies from hitting their heads on hard crib sides or getting a limb stuck between crib rails can find a safe solution in Wonder Bumpers.


About Go Mama Go Designs

Go Mama Go Designs, LLC was founded in 2006 by two mompreneurs on a mission to create products that make life safer, easier and more enjoyable for new parents. Go Mama Go Designs’ innovative products include the award-winning Wonder Bumpers, smart vertical crib bumper pads, and the patented Snug & Tug swaddling blanket, both designed to create a safe, cozy sleep environment for infants.

What do you think about this new spin on the crib bumper?

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Meet the Author | Nicole

Nicole is the Managing Editor here at Savvy Sassy Moms. She is a cabernet sipping, stiletto wearing mama to three girls. She takes pride in caring for herself and the fact that she's never owned a pair of "Mom Jeans". When Nicole isn't here with the other Savvy Mama's she's blogging at her personal blog Moments that Define Life or tweeting @MTDLBlog

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  1. This artciel couldnt have come at a better time. I have a little one due in NOV. and have been going back and forth about crib bumpers. thanks for this! very helpful.
    Maria @pluslily

  2. I could not agree with you more! These bumpers are amazing! I have had my set for over a year noe and could not be happier. They can even be transfered to toddler beds! I love them!

  3. I love my Wonder Bumpers. They create the safest crib environment for my son. He is only five days old and I could not be happier with the product. I have a tight crib sheet and my Wonder Bumpers on his crib. There is NO ROOM for suffocation due to his head getting caught in between the bumper and the crib. Also, there is no room for him to get his limbs caught when he gets older. Wonder Bumpers are the most important baby product in my life and have made my life as a mom easier!

  4. I love Wonder Bumpers. Not only do they make my son’s crib look unique they also protect him from getting his limbs caught in his crib bars. They are much better than the pillow like bumpers and the mesh bumpers. I feel they can cause your infant to suffocate. I have passed my Wonder Bumpers down from sibling to the next and have gotten a lot of use out of them. I just purchased a set for my sister and got free shipping. They are on sale a lot on Go Mama Go Designs.com.

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