yellow Volkswagon beetle

Why you should consider buying a Volkswagon for your next vehicle

In Lifestyle by JennaLeave a Comment

When it comes time to shop for a new car, one of the most difficult decisions to make is what car to purchase. With so many great brands on the market, it’s reasonable that you’re hesitant to make a final choice right away. Volkswagen is a highly reputable corporation that has sold millions of vehicles worldwide. Today, we’ll discuss why you should choose a VW as your next car, whether you choose to lease, finance, or even buy one!

Car Headlight

Finding parts is really easy

Many people have difficulty locating a car that will not cost an arm and a leg to repair if something goes wrong. Fortunately for you, VW is so well-known that you should have no trouble sourcing parts for your vehicle. You may also be able to locate a specialized VW repair shop to verify that the work done on your vehicle.

They are extremely reliable

Looking at stats on a car you’re thinking about buying is important. This is done so you know you’re getting a car that’s going to be reliable and won’t break down often. There are several Volkswagen models that are geared for families. Many parents who have purchased VWs have noted on how safe their car. They also believe that their VW would protect their family flawlessly in case of an accident.

Inexpensive to run in this day and age

While Volkswagen had an emissions issue a few years ago, the company has now turned things around. They have produced a wide range of vehicles that are in fact extremely environmentally friendly. Not only is this a win for conservationists, but it also means that your car won’t cost as much to run. If you buy a low-emission VW, you will also save money on taxes and insurance.

They are speedy cars

Finally, while road safety is essential, and we do not advocate driving beyond the speed limit, there is something oh-so-satisfying about a car that you know could rocket ahead if you put your foot down. The amazing thing about current VWs is that even at high speeds, you don’t feel the bumps in the road. Instead feel like you’re having a leisurely drive through the countryside.

They look great

There are a wide range of models that Volkswagen have produced over the past decade, and each new model seems to improve slightly on the last one. Take the Golf for example, the mark 5 was a significant improvement on the mark 4, yet the mark 6 blew the mark 5 out of the water! If the car ticks all of your boxes elsewhere, then you’re left with a beautiful car that you’ll enjoy driving!

Overall, we think VWs are fantastic cars, and you should certainly consider getting one as your next vehicle!


Meet the Author | Jenna

Jenna Greenspoon is a mom & stepmom to 4 kids between the ages of 8 and 13. She loves staying up to date on all things kids and makes sure she is on point with the latest childhood trends! She is the owner of Savvy Sassy Moms and manages a team of creative contributors that work hard to keep moms up to date on the latest trends. Jenna loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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