Where to stay in Costa Rica #FindingCostaRica

In Editor's Corner, Family, Hotels, Travel by savvysassymoms3 Comments


Where to Stay in Costa Rica #FindingCostaRica
Finding Costa Rica

Perhaps you’ve already heard, but I live in Costa Rica. Yup, I’m “the girl from Costa Rica” as several people have told me recently. I’m not telling you this to boast or brag, I’m just telling you so that you get why I talk about Costa Rica a lot on Savvy Sassy Moms and, more importantly, why I am writing this post. To help you plan your own trip here.

Since moving to Costa Rica, I’ve started Wanderlust Living, a blog dedicated to our travels as a family, as well as working closely with the travel app Findery, which I love for sharing and capturing in-the-moment notes as we explore Costa Rica and rest of the world. Over the next two weeks, Findery is #FindingCostaRica, sharing my content about living in and traveling to Costa Rica, as well as the content of other Findery users, the Findery travel community and the Findery influencers. If you’re looking to travel to Costa Rica any time soon, #FindingCostaRica will be all that you need.

Findery asked me to create a 10 Days in Costa Rica travel itinerary and it wasn’t as easy as it might sound! I tried to highlight my favorite places as well as put together a plan that lets you get well rounded sample of Costa Rica. I should also mention that this itinerary is for the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica, since this is the area I know the best. There plenty of other amazing places to visit in Costa Rica, of course, and some that I still hope to get to, but for now this is how I would spend 10 days in Costa Rica.

And as for where to stay in Costa Rica….keep reading!
10 Day Itinierary in Guanacaste Costa Rica Wanderlust Living Findery Andea Fellman

Where to stay in Costa Rica

As far as where to stay in Costa Rica, it all depends on your budget and your sense of adventure! Costa Rica offers everything from totally off-the-grid lodges (with no wi-fi) to tree houses to luxury hotels to all-inclusive resorts to small boutique hotels to luxury condos for rent. Where you stay also depends on what is on your to-do list, who you are traveling with and the ages of those traveling with you.

Here are some of the places I have stayed in Costa Rica (some more than once) and I would recommend any of these for a variety of reasons:

Westin Playa Conchal Guanacaste Costa Rica Wanderlust Living Andrea Fellman

1. For an all-inclusive resort vacation:
Westin Playa Conchal


Dreams Las Mareas Costa Rica All Inclusive Hotels2. For a fun stay with kids:
Dreams La Mareas Resort in Costa Rica

Lost Iguana Resort McKenna Grandma3.  For being tucked away in the rain forest:
The Lost Iguana Resort

Buena Vista Lodge Waterslide Gigantic Tree4. For a sweet rain forest water slide adventure:
Buena Vista Lodge


La Carolina Loadge Natural Jacuzzi and River Wanderlust Living5. For the best of rustic beauty:
La Carolina Lodge


Tabacon Hot Springs Costa Rica Travel6. For true Costa Rican hot springs:
Tabacon Hot Springs


Hotel El Rodeo San Jose Costa Rica Grounds

7. For a great hotel near the San Jose Airport:
El Hotel Rodeo


Monteverde Lodge and Gardens Costa Rica - 1948. For a charming cloud forest retreat:
The Montevere Lodge and Gardens


A few other hotels to consider are the Flamingo Beach Resort, JW Marriott, Four Seasons, Andaz and The Diria in Tamarindo. There are luxury homes and condos at Las Catalinas that I highly recommend as well.

Hotels are not the only option, of course. You can also rent some pretty fabulous houses! If you want to rent a house in the popular surf town of Tamarindo, visit Tamarindo Vacation Rentals by RPM Vacation Rentals. Tell them I sent you!


Leave me a comment if I can help answer any questions about Costa Rica! I would be happy to help.

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. I love this article! And the suggestions on where to visit. You mentioned in another post that you stayed at the Springs in Arenal. Which room type would you recc for a family of 4? Thanks!
    And, any recc on things to do in Playa Potrero?

  2. I want to take a trip to Costa Rica with my 2 boys solo. I am a single mom on a budget-big time. 🙂 Suggestions on what region to focus on if I only have a week and really want to immerse myself with an 11 and 13 year old. Hotels excursion restaurants etc. ??

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