Toydozer WINNER is Susan!
So part of the problem with taking out the toys like the Littlest Pet Shop, LEGO’s and Hot Wheels is the fact that they all have to be picked up. These toys can be found everywhere and nothing is more irritating than stepping on them in the middle of the night. At our house if you take it out, you need to clean it up. Newsflash!! Kids don’t like the clean up part. They’re too tired or I’ve even heard the excuses of “my stomach hurts or I’m sooo hungry”. They’ll use every excuse in the book to get out of cleaning up all the toys. So how can picking up be more fun?
Well, Hello Toydozer! Now picking up a million little pieces is easy as 1-2-3. Here let little savvy sassy show you how it’s done… And FYI when I asked her how she liked the Toydozer she said: “It’s great. Oh wait, it’s not just great, it’s terrific!” (no lie)
Now, if they just made a larger version for my husband to pick up his socks and underwear….The Guydozer perhaps?
Use it to clean up LEGOS, Littlest Pet Shop, Polly Pockets, Blocks, Cars, Play-doh accessories and just about any toy that has lots of pieces. The Toydozer is not just great for your home but in classrooms, day cares and other kids play spaces too.
- The Toydozer retails for $18.99 and ships free anywhere in the U.S. or Canada.
- The Toydozer is available exclusively on the website.
- It comes in 3 colors: blue, yellow and purple.
- Each Toydozer features orange Velcro tabs that attach the gatherer to the scoop when not in use for easy storage.
Savvy Sassy Discount: “BLOGGER20” for 20% off on
WIN 2 Toydozers!
Because those playdates can get messy and they need to help clean up too!
To Enter:
1. Tell me who is easier to clean up after your kids or your husband?
Extra Entries:
2. Follow them on Twitter @toydozer
3. Give Toydozer a like on Facebook
*Giveaway ends on April 19th at 11:59pm PST
*Giveaway is open to U.S. residents and Canadians!
Disclosure: This post is part of a Toydozer blogger outreach campaign. Participating bloggers have been provided with a complimentary Toydozer to review and have been compensated for their time.
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cleaning after my baby is easier of course, at least I can control where they put their mess.
I only have the kids to clean up after, but thats definetely not easy!
i am following on Twitter and FB. thanks for the contest!
oh! definitely easy to clean after my daughter. But, I think a guydozer too would be an ultimate thing 😉
Definitely the kids!
I follow them on Twitter @toydozer.
I Like Toydozer on Facebook.
Definitely the husband – cleans up after himself *and* the kids 🙂
my husband is easier 🙂
like toydozer on fb Julie A Scott Laws
My husband, he doesn’t leave his toys and books all over the place just on his desk
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Id say my husband, he just leaves clothes around.
I’d agree that husbands may be messier, but they’re certainly less dirty—so my husband!
easier to clean up after my husband
Follow @toydozer on Twitter
My hubby is pretty tidy-he probably has to clean up more after me;). Our duo on the other hand is a disaster!
I think my kids are definitely easier to clean up after!
Question for testers: How does it work on carpet? In our rental home we have wall to wall everywhere!(I HATE IT!)