Spooky Spider Cupcakes for Halloween

In Recipes by Carrie Beth & JenLeave a Comment

Create a scare if you dare with these spooktacularly delicious spider cupcakes!

Spooky Spider Cupcakes for Halloween

Halloween is all about the treats. And listen, we are so here for it. Give us all the excuses for yummy desserts, cute costumes, and the chance to raid our kids’ candy collections straight through to Thanksgiving. (Dibs on the KitKats!).

What we aren’t here for is the free time to make all those Pinterest-worthy desserts and crafts. We wish we had the free time to create bats out of our kids’ sandwiches or bake a life-sized Frankenstein pizza, but sometimes life doesn’t always work out that way.

Super cute spider cupcakes for halloween.

We’ve worked some of our busy mom-approved witchcraft, and created these adorable spider cupcakes. The best part, (aside from being delicious of course) they only take a few moments to create. In just a few quick and easy steps you will have all that pin-worthy Halloween cuteness, without all the pin-worthy time.

Easy to create spider cupcakes for Halloween

What you’ll need
  • 1 pkg of boxed cupcake mix (we used pumpkin for our cupcakes, but it would look cute with vanilla or chocolate as well!)
  • 1 container of frosting
  • Tube of decorators frosting
  • cupcake liners
  • 1 toothpick
  • assorted spider rings
  • serving tray (we used this striped one)

How to create your spooky spider cupcakes

1: Bake cupcakes according to box instructions. Let cool for approximately half an hour. (Note: If you want to speed up this process you can buy pre-made cupcakes as well. No judgment.)

2: Once your cupcakes have cooled, place frosting on top spreading out generously. Don’t worry about creating any sort of pattern. You want the frosting to be as smooth and flat as possible.

3: Take your decorator’s frosting and cut the end of the tip at an angle. Place a small dot of frosting in the middle of your cupcake. Then place rings of frosting around the dot increasing in size as you go. Repeat for all cupcakes.

4: Take the toothpick, and place it at the center frosting dot. Gently trace a line outward through all the rings. It should start to look connected like a web.

5: Once you’ve connected all the rings, place a spider ring in the center of the cupcake. (Note: We placed ours in the center, but later realized it would also be adorable to place them in any part of the “web”.)

Cute spider cupcakes for a kids halloween party.

6: Place on serving tray and let everyone enjoy!

Easy spider cupcake idea for a kids halloween party

What are some easy treats you have planned for Halloween? Share with us!


Meet the Author | Carrie Beth & Jen

Carrie Beth and Jen are both 30-something mothers and wives, who happen to be best friends. They both love all things preppy, southern, and just plain pretty. Between the two of them, they have 5 precious little ones and constantly have a text conversation going on about the day-to-day of their lives and the crazy adventure that is motherhood. Whether it's trying to keep up with current fashion trends, finally getting around to that DIY project, or just dealing with everyday life with kids, it always keeps them laughing and it's always real life. They share their ideas and stories on their blog, The Magnolia Mamas.

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