Snapchat: It’s you, but better

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Savvy Sassy Moms on Snapchat

That’s right… Savvy Sassy Moms is on Snapchat! If you aren’t familiar with this form of social media, not to worry! We have enlisted our teen expert, Hailey, to tell you all the ins-and-outs of Snapchat to make it easy and fun.

Snapchat: It’s you, but better

As a teen, or “emerging adult” as I prefer to be called, I am obviously very familiar with Snapchat. The impact that the app has had on my life is indescribable — I can’t even remember my life before the “Story” feature. For some reason, using the Snapchat Story feature, I feel compelled to know what everyone is up to at all times. Watching other’s Snap Stories gives me gratification, and I feel fulfilled when other people watch my Stories, as well.

Whenever I see something interesting or funny, I’ll upload it to my Snapchat Story. This allows me to share my content with my contacts, and my mother, who monitors the content that I upload to be sure that it is appropriate.

Why Snapchat?

Snapchat is not about growing a following — it is about cultivating the following that you already have. Obviously, you will not gain any new Snapchat contacts if you are directing Stories towards your five followers. In contrast to other forms of social media, Snapchat does not have a direct method for you to build a relationship with any person that you are not connected with in real life or have as a contact on your phone. In order to grow a Snapchat following, you must already have followers on another form of social media, and advertise your Snapchat account outside the app.

Overall, Snapchat is a funny way to connect with your in-real-life friends, not to build a presence with, unless you already have a large following. With this in mind, don’t take Snapchat too seriously. If you are, you’re probably doing it wrong.

All about the filters

Snapchat has released several ways to filter photos on the app. Unlike Instagram, the filters found on Snapchat have little to do with changing the color of a Snap. On Snapchat, using face detection technology, the app is able to fit a sort of digital mask to a photo taken on the app.

With this new update, you can edit your photos to look like a dog, a lizard, a panda, Superman, and Batman, to name a few. Personally, I have had lots of fun sending Snapchats to my friends with the new filters.

While filtered photos can be fun to share with friends and family, many filters incorporate “jumpscares,” which can include loud screams, and pop-up monsters/demon faces, making it important to monitor young ones while using the app.

Listed below are some of our favorite, kid-tested and parent-approved Snapchat filters:

SavvySassy Moms do SnapChat

1. The Dog Filter

Who doesn’t love dogs?

SnapChat Panda

2. The Animal Filter
Everyday, there are new animal filters popping up. Sometimes you can do it with a friend. This week, we became a panda!SnapChat Flower Child
3. Flower Power Filter

Take yourself back to the ’70s and become a flower child. If only we could walk around like this all day long!

Face Altering SnapChats

4. Face-Altering Filters

Definitely unflattering, but definitely hilarious.

And if anyone screenshots the snaps you sent using these filters, you’re doing it right!

This article was contributed by Hailey Kobrin, our teen correspondent.

Meet the Author | Guest Writer

This post was written by someone who we think has some pretty savvy ideas! We love sharing creative, informative and fun things form guest contributors!

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