4 Savvy Saving Tips for Halloween
*This is a featured post written by Alison Deyette “TheFind Shopping Expert ” TV host and stylist – visit her on the web at AliOnTheGo.com
Halloween is just around the corner! While the festivity can be contagious, all these costumes, candy corn, and fake cobwebs can really add up, taking your budget from spooky to downright terrifying. Whether it’s decorating your home, costume hunting, or getting ready for trick-or-treaters, I’m honored to have Alison share her savvy saving tips for Halloween.
Savvy Tip #1
Decorating Indoors:
“I like to make pumpkin bats to add a little DIY Halloween-themed home décor. All you need are mini pumpkins, black and white paint, and black craft foam. First, paint the mini pumpkins black, adding in eyes with the white paint and black dots. Next, cut the craft foam into the shapes of wings and ears and insert into small slits that you cut into the sides and top of the pumpkins.”
Savvy Tip #2
Decorating Outdoors:
“For outdoor decorating, I like to stick to one streamlined theme – such as spiders. I start by staging small and medium plastic spiders around the front door, along the outdoor stair railings and around columns or beams. For an added touch, have the path of creepy crawlers lead to one large inflatable spider and stretch gauzy ‘spiderwebs’ from a craft store over bushes.”
Savvy Tip #3
Keeping Kids Engaged:
“To keep the excited little ones happily occupied while counting down the minutes to trick-or-treat time, keep them engaged with a craft project. Set up a table where they can bejewel and decorate their own masks – all you need are simple black masks with an elastic strap, glue, glitter, feathers, stickers, and fake crystals. If you have photo print paper at home, take a group picture of all the kids in the masks then send everyone home with a printed photo from the party.”
Savvy Tip #4
Halloween Costumes:
“Costume shopping can sometimes seem endless, crowded and messy when your kids either don’t know what they want to be, or they have a definitive idea and the shops you visited don’t have the costume. The best way to save time and money is to shop online. I personally use TheFind.com because it allows you access to all retailers at once, while being able to narrow down your search to a specific costume, gender and size range. After finding the perfect costume, you can view all available coupons, sales and shipping offers at a glance to make sure you’re selecting the store with the best possible price.”
Cindy over at Skip to My Lou has a DIY Pumpkin Votives!
Be Savvy. Be Sassy. Get Crafty!
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Alison Deyette is a seasoned fashion, shopping and lifestyle expert with extensive national broadcast experience. As TheFind Shopping Expert, Alison educates consumers about the best kept secret in town: TheFind.com. Giving voice to the ultimate online shopping resource, Alison unlocks the best deals and steals for everything under the sun, from apparel and appliances to popular labels and under-the-radar brands.
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