Savvy Sassy Moms 1st Birthday!

In Living by savvysassymoms23 Comments

May 15th 2009
my third Baby was born….
Savvy Sassy Moms!

Birthing a Blog is much like birthing a Baby…It started out like a fun idea until you are sleep deprived, up at 2am and haven’t showered or put on makeup in days.  Reality starts to sink in and you say to yourself, what the hell have I done?
The Baby has come out and it is not going back in.
The Blog has been written and published all over the Internet, it too can never really be erased.
The Baby needs to be changed every hour and some diapers stink worse than others.
The Blog has to be changed daily, or at least weekly and looking back some blog posts were pretty $h#ty!

The Baby spits up baby carrots, green peas and breast milk all over you.
The Blog spits out nasty html errors, crazy looking fonts, alignment issues, and broken text links.


The Baby needs to be swaddled, rocked, swayed, and bounced.
The Blog needs to be tweeted, commented, bookmarked and facebooked.


You take pictures of the baby every 5 minutes.
You take pictures for the blog every 5 minutes.


The Baby rolls over, sits, crawls, stands, walks.
The Blog has little traffic, you join SITS, attend a conference, build a following, create a community.

The Baby can be dropped of at Grandma’s for the night.
The Blog can NOT.

The Baby has made you less selfish, more patient and fulfilled.
The Blog has allowed you to express yourself, be creative and fulfilled.

The Baby is MUCH more important than the Blog.

I was a little hesitant to start a blog because I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. But I can honestly say it is what gets me out of bed in the morning (the kids too) I have always wanted to be surounded by smart, creative, inspiring women and now they are all just a click away!  This past year I have met so many amazing people and have gotten to work on some fun projects.  I now consider some of these women I have met and connected with some of my closest friends.

Looking back I can say it has been one of the most challenging, and rewarding experiences of my life.  Who knew? I would be copying and pasting html code and talking geek talk with my husband.  Without Harris Savvy Sassy Moms would not exist, he was that one that pushed me out of my comfort zone to just DO IT!  He believes in me more than I believe in myself and has supported me from day one.  I have one of the greatest husbands in the world.  Timmy you too. Timmy has helped me with many savvysassymoms projects, I like to call him my secret weapon!

Savvy Sassy Moms makes me HAPPY and that spills over into my marriage and my children.  For me being a MOM and having a BLOG has completed a circle that never really quite connected.  I am grateful to everyone who has stopped by, commented, shared, friended, liked, fanned, or tweeted with me!


Now which one of you baked me a cake?

Have a Birthing a Baby and Birthing a Blog comparison?
Leave it here, I’d love to read it!

The Baby won’t stop crying and you have tried everything.
The Blog won’t stop crying about a snarky comment.

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. Happy 1st Birthday to you!!! I love the analogies to baby and blog. Here’s one:

    You will incessantly worry about how the Baby is doing.
    You will also incessantly worry about how the Blog is doing.

  2. Happy Blog Birthday!!! Thank you for keeping us savvy and sassy…. and most of all willing to give and help others. You go MOM!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your blog! You’ve done great and I hope to be ahead of the game by this time next year too…I have 11 more months before my 1st b-day…I still have a NEWBORN :o) thankfully mine isn’t keeping me up at 2am like yours was. LOL I have my children to do that for me!
    LOL @Janis…”welcome to the terrible two’s”

  4. Thank’s Maria! I hope all is well in the motherhood for YOU! You should start to blog, I know you have some hilarious things to say!

  5. Well congrats for the awesome survival techniques!! Just think, it’s the first day of your second year…..xoxo thanks for the great site and reliable info!!

  6. Here’s one: you will defend your baby.
    You will defend your blog
    I desperately want to start a blog, but will have to wait till I get the internet back up on my home computer (I use my blackberry for now) good luck on the 2nd year! Keep it up sister!

  7. Happy Blogiversary to You! Congratulations! I’ve found that just like with a baby, once your blog reaches that first year, the middle of the night awakenings tend to occur less.

    I know you already saw this (since you posted a comment on it!) but here’s the post I wrote for Travel Writers Exchange, “A Blog is Like a Baby: How to Parent It”
    .-= Colleen Lanin at Travel Mamas´s last blog ..Join the Travel Party =-.

  8. Congrats from one of your few dad readers! My web-site is also coming up to its one year anniversary ( and it’s been one heck of a year. So much I’ve learned. Now, I’ve got a radio show going and that’s a gigantic new challenge.

    Hope you all will call in and give me some “heck”! Info is on the “Radio Tab” on my site.

    Again, Congrats and let’s all be the best parents we can be – mom or dad!

    Bruce Sallan
    “A Dad’s Point-of-View”

  9. (sniff*sniff)

    I remember when just _I_ completed you…

    And then the kids did…

    Now a blog does it?

    What’s next? You’re gonna have to start a social network. (Muahahaha)

    Just kidding – so proud of you, baby. You’ve done an awesometastic job with it so far – really looking to the next year of my social media mommy — ‘specially since I know a bit of what you have in store. )

    Love ya,
    .-= Harris Fellman´s last blog ..Why God made Moms =-.

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREA!!!! I have had such a fun time reading your blogs!!!! they are so creative. You have such wit and such a good sense of humor. I’m so glad you found your nich. Keep it going. Love you!!!

  11. First off I would like to say superb blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was curious to find out how you center yourself and clear your thoughts before writing. I’ve had a difficult time clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out there. I do enjoy writing however it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes tend to be wasted simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or tips? Thank you!

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