Out of this world all natural Chocolate, it’s totally UNREAL

In Living by savvysassymomsLeave a Comment

UnReal Peanut Butter Cups
Are you a recovering sweetsoholic? I am. And I have a story for you.

The UNREAL candy brand seemed to pop up all around me in different places for several months: online, in my inbox and in my social media feeds thanks to my friends.  I am even pretty sure that a press release hit my inbox at some point but I must have just missed it. Truth be told, the packaging and name peeked my interest and I wanted to learn more about this “unjunked candy”. I wanted to try it but I wasn’t exactly sure where to buy it.

Then, sure enough I received an email asking me if I wanted to try this UNREAL and unjunked candy.  It’s weird how things like that happen sometimes, like they’re in my head or something.  So you should know, I am a recovering sugar junkie. I have a major sweet tooth and so I usually try to stay away from all temptation, but I felt I had to make an exception for something that is claiming to be so UNREAL  (I’ll be the judge of that).

UNREAL sent me a package of their goodies and they sat on my kitchen counter for a few days. Then they made it onto my desk and continued to sit unopened for a few more days.  I was scared to open them for the fear of these being the very thing that would put me right back on the sugar crack train.

I open them.  I tried every single one of them and so have my kids.  The Chocolate caramel nougat, the chocolate caramel peanut nougat, the candy coated chocolate with peanuts and without peanuts and the peanut butter cups.

Congratulations UNREAL.  I am ADDICTED to the your peanut butter cups.  Addicted.  I’ve literally laid in bed thinking about them.  I have hid them from myself only to get up and secretly eat them late at night.  My son in fact begged me for some and when I told him “No, not tonight”  He said “Come on!  They’re Unjunked!”


5 REAL Facts about UNREAL


1. Founded by a 13-year-old kid, UNREAL is the unjunked food company on a mission to unjunk the world.

2. UNREAL has started unjunking America’s favorite candy, replacing all of the junk with real food ingredients, reducing the sugar, and making it taste better

3.UNREAL gives people a junk-free, better version of their favorite candy, sold side-by-side for a similar price, and is available at 15,000 stores nationwide, including Target and CVS.

4. UNREAL candies can proudly claim no corn syrup, no hydrogenated oil, no artificial flavors, no GMO’s, no synthetic colors, and responsibly sourced ingredients, including traceable cacao beans from Ghana and Ecuador.

5. Since launching in July 2012, UNREAL’s supporters already include major celebrities like Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen, Matt Damon, John Legend, Jillian Michaels, and Leonardo DiCaprio and now Savvy Sassy Moms 😉

Savvy Sassy Tip:

If you’re going to have candy or chocolate it might as well be unjunked, but everything in moderation ladies.


Disclosure:  I was in no way paid for this post or review.  They sent chocolate. I ate it. All of it.

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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