One Pair of Floral Jeans, Three Different Looks

In Fashion, Style by SherryLeave a Comment

Three ways to wear floral jeans


We are seeing an explosion of fashionable floral trends this season on jeans, skirts, tops and blazers and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon. Floral jeans can be a particularly intimidating fashion choice so today I’ve put together three ways you can incorporate this trend into your wardrobe.

I’ve used the same pair of jeans for all three looks to give you an idea of how versatile floral can be.

1.  I’ve chosen a sleeveless peplum lace top with a delicate blue necklace which will compliment the blue color in the floral pattern.  Throw on a pair of neutral pointed toe pumps and this will make for a fantastic evening look.

2.The second look is a little more casual with a bright pink J. Crew ballet button top and a navy blue bubble necklace. The shoes are a fun pair of GAP navy and white polka flats.

3. This year it seems none of the old fashion rules apply. I’ve mixed stripes with floral in this look and completed the look with a canvas style jacket available at Old Navy and a pair of lace up boots.

Will you be adding floral denim to your wardrobe this season?


Meet the Author | Sherry

Sherry is an Events Planner with a passion for fashion and interior design who lives in beautiful Hawaii with her husband and two kids. She enjoys lunch dates with the girls, walking the gorgeous beach of Kailua and most of all spending quality time with her family. In her free time you will find her blogging about life, fashion, interior design and parties at The Life of the Party blog or setting trends with the Polyvore community . You can find her on Twitter: @acherishedevent and Facebook

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