No-Cost Spring Decorating

In Living by savvysassymoms1 Comment

Spring has finally sprung! I know for some of you, spring showed up several weeks ago. But for me, up in the frozen tundra commonly known as Minnesota, spring has just arrived. Suddenly, I was faced with a dilemma. How could I display my pretty tulips inside when all I had for vases are those cheap glass ones from the florist? I didn’t want to go shopping and really didn’t want to spend a lot of money. So, I went rummaging around my house to see what I could find.

The supplies:

2 empty cans (make sure one will fit inside the other)

cloth napkins

fabric scraps



Armed with the above supplies, I came up with three spring-inspired ways to display my tulips.

1- Green gingham. Take a fabric square, I used a gingham cloth napkin, and wrap it around the larger of the two cans.  Secure the fabric with ribbon. Tuck the ends of the fabric inside the can and place the smaller can inside the larger. The smaller can is for the flowers and water.

2 – Fabric knot. Cut a strip of fabric about 2-inches wide and about 3 times the circumference of the larger can. Wrap the strip around the can. Secure with a knot and tuck the ends under the fabric strip.

3. Fabric and twine. Take a fabric square and wrap around the larger can. I again used a cloth napkin because they were the perfect size and already nicely hemmed. Feel free to use any fabric that will completely cover the can. Secure the fabric with the twine. Tuck the ends of the fabric into the can and place the smaller can inside the larger. Notice the directions are almost identical to the first? Yes, my friends, this is possibly the easiest DIY ever!

The next time you’re looking to switch up the decor in your house, remember, decorating doesn’t have to be hard… or expensive!

(All photos via Terri Thompson)

Feel free to visit Terri at her blog My Creative Pathway to find more spring inspiration.

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. Beautiful AND cheap — this is a winner of an idea. And just in time for spring. Way to go, SavvySassyMom!

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