Meet the new Savvy Sassy Moms

In Editor's Corner by SavvySassyMoms1 Comment

Jenna and Lisa

We wanted to officially introduce ourselves as we join the already amazing team, Savvy Sassy Moms. We are looking forward to expanding the Savvy Sassy Mom family and would like to invite you to follow along with us through the sleepless nights, our first baby steps and stumbles, and awkward teen years as we learn and grow and share our lives and families! Connecting with moms and parents of kids of all ages is our passion, and it’s our goal to bring you the latest and greatest ‘momtent’ (mom-content) from our own experiences, from specialists in the parenting field, and from medical professionals to help you navigate modern-day parenting. Our hope is that while gaining current information, the latest trends and the best educational tips, this blog will support you as your children grow.

There’s no doubt that moms are modern-day superheroes, and just like superheroes, we all have different hats that we wear, as well as secret identities and superpowers. For us, our alter-egos that you will get to know through the blog are the Savvy Mom and the Sassy Mom, and you’ll see posts and content that correspond with those distinct personalities.

Savvy (aka Jenna), is a modern-day mom of two young children. Keeping up with the latest trends in style and parenting, Savvy’s focus is on young families and children.

Sassy (aka Lisa), a seasoned mother and while quiet-tempered, is quick witted and tackles the hard questions all the way into the teen years.

Where Savvy is the doer, and always on the go, Sassy is the experienced, introspective thinker of this dynamic duo — and together there isn’t any parenting challenge they aren’t willing to explore.

Through this blog you will see tips from our educational backgrounds, our home, our playground experiences, and on some days, even a life-preserver! Additionally, you can always find a fabulous giveaway or contest happening somewhere on the site, as well as helpful how-to’s and guides on everything from strollers to study tips for teens.

We always love to hear from you and hear what you want to see from us, so feel free to drop us a line with your comments, questions, and what we can do to help satisfy your savvy, sassy selves.

Love, Savvy & Sassy!
(aka Jenna & Lisa)

(Psst! Read our full bios and meet our families on our brand new About page!)

Meet the Author | SavvySassyMoms

The Savvy Sassy Moms are professional educators and mothers with more than 30 years of educating experience and over 20 years of combined parenting experience between them. With a true passion for engaging with moms and sharing their bright and relatable savvy and sassy know-how, they bring current and exciting content to Savvy Sassy Moms for all stages of motherhood as well as help and guidance for all the in-betweens! Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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