What is my passion?
That’s easy: traveling. That is my passion. I LOVE to travel. But what is it about travel that gets me so riled up and excited?
It’s experiencing something new, seeing new places, eating new food, meeting new people and living in the moment. Am I a history or geography buff? No. I am a live-life-to-its-fullest-and experience-as-much-as-you-can kind of girl and seeing the world makes me ridiculously happy. I want to see and experience it all and I want to give the gift of travel to my kids. At my core, I am a HELL YES type of person, it’s just who I am.
Definition of Passion:
1. Strong or barely controllable emotion
2. A state or outburst of such emotion
Traveling is the only thing that I have a “barely controllable emotion” about. When talking about travel I can barely form an intelligent sentence. Even as I write this every fiber in my body is on fire. Most people do not get to live their passion every day. In fact, telling people to “find their passion and do what you love” is very cliche and can evoke some negative reactions, because let’s face it – passion doesn’t exactly pay the bills. So telling people to go live their passion can piss people off. Passion is something most people do in their free time, after work or on the weekends. And only the lucky few get to actually live their passion and turn it into what they do for a living.
My very first blog was “Have Kids Still Travel.” My husband and I started it when we took our kids, Hudson only 12 months old and McKenna barely 2 ½, to Barcelona, Spain for one month. This was a blog for mainly the Grandmas to see their babies while we were gone. I had no idea how to blog yet or really what a blog even meant. We wanted to prove to people that we could still travel even after having kids. Our next one month trip with the kiddos was to Costa Rica and once again I only updated the site with pictures and small blog posts for my family to see.
When we came home from Costa Rica I started Savvy Sassy Moms and Have Kids Still Travel simply fell by the wayside. I saw an opportunity to create a business with a Savvy Sassy Moms and over the years have worked extremely hard to make it a profitable one. I didn’t really see how I could make money traveling. But while I have been building Savvy Sassy Moms, a piece of my heart and passion was left over on Have Kids Still Travel. Not to get into the nitty gritty of personal struggles, but building Savvy Sassy Moms a business was also out of necessity. I needed to help support our family. My husband’s passion as it turns out is being a bit of an online serial entrepreneur and well, that passion creates a lot of financial peaks and valleys sometimes.
I don’t want to just talk about my passion and dream about it. I want to live it. So, we are moving to Costa Rica on June 30th. The tickets have been bought and we are getting rid of almost everything.
That’s right, we’re doing it.
This is not being handed to us. We are not moving to Costa Rica with some large lump sum of cash or with some crazy inheritance from a dead relative. We have worked hard building our online businesses, sacrificed some things, have saved and made plans for this. We’ll also have to continue to work hard while we are on this adventure. You’ll be able to follow all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly over on WanderlustLiving.com (coming soon).
In the beginning I told you that travel is my passion but I think it goes deeper than that, my passion might actually be: Living an extraordinary life and experiencing everything that I possibly can.
When you are passionate about something and truly want something nothing will get in your way. I believe you can live the exact life you want to live, if you are willing to make the right, and sometimes tough choices that help you get there. Anything is possible people.
What is your Passion?
*I am currently working as a brand ambassador for Cracker Barrel Cheese – they are clearly passionate about their award-winning cheese. They asked me to write about my passion and it could not have come at a better time. This is a sponsored post, but gosh don’t you love brands that aren’t just about their product but admire and respect passion?
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This, like you…is truly amazing and inspiring.
I wish you the best on this grand new adventure! Kudos to you for following your dreams without fear. 🙂
Looks like we have the same passion. Although, I am not in a position to move abroad, I plan to be all over the globe!
“live-life-to-its-fullest-and experience-as-much-as-you-can kind of girl”
This is me!
YAHOO!! so proud of you. you can DO This!
You’ve got guts girlie!
I applaud you and Harris for having ‘the stones’ do what so many of us only dream of.
Can’t wait to ‘hear’ all about it!
I enjoyed this post so much and definitely felt the passion coming through! You are truly lucky to be living your dream.
Thanks Wendy!
Do you think we can get “live-life-to-its-fullest-and experience-as-much-as-you-can kind of girl” to fit on a T-shirt;)
Thanks Haley 🙂
Wow, goose bumps! I love your passion and have the same when it comes to travel. I think its great that you guys have made it work for you to live your dream. We aren’t sure yet how we will get there but we know it will happen. Good luck and I look forward to the new blog!
I love that you worked hard for this to happen and your dream is coming true! Wishing you and your family a wonderful adventure in Costa Rica! Actually, I won’t wish it -I KNOW you will make it wonderful -good for you!
On second thought, I WILL wish something -that I could spell my own name correctly! (Oh sheesh!) 😉
Still happy for you!!!
You were the first blogger I met “in real life” and we share the same passion – travel! I look forward to continuing to follow your journey as you enter this next life adventure. Good for you for following your passion and best wishes to your whole family in Costa Rica!
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Funny how I met you as a blogger going through the same path as us: moving to Costa Rica. We moved for different reasons than yours, but still we are enjoying the adventures that moving bring along. Your post made me think about my passion which is also traveling. Although I have not been as brave as you since having kids. After reading your post I was reminded that if I really want something I might have to give up on other things. I’m happy to have connected with you because of our move and look forward to connecting even more with you.
Pingback: Instagram Travel Thursday: Costa Rica Week 1 | Savvy Sassy Moms
Pingback: Instagram Travel Thursday: Costa Rica week 2 | Savvy Sassy Moms
Pingback: Capturing Costa Rica with the Canon EOS Rebel SL1 Camera {Giveaway} | Savvy Sassy Moms
This is so inspiring, I feel too I have a strong passion to travel, and really to be a spokesperson, brand ambassador, etc. I don’t even know where to begin but you give me courage to keep going for it!
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Pingback: Instagram Travel Thursday: Arenal, Costa Rica | Wanderlust Living
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