Holiday popcorn party mix recipe

In Holidays & Parties by Sharon Garofalow2 Comments

Holiday-Popcorn-Mix-Title-ImageHoliday popcorn makes a party!

Make this immediately. Was that bossy?  I don’t mean to be, but this delicious holiday popcorn party mix is just THAT good.  It has all of my favorite flavors of the season — ginger, cranberries, almonds and white chocolate. This recipe is super easy and perfect for serving at your holiday parties.

ginger cranberry white chocolateYou will need popped popcorn (if you have an air popper, use that but you can also use plain micro popcorn (micro poco as it is known in my family), gingersnaps, candied ginger, dried cranberries, almonds and white chocolate. Don’t those flavors just say “holidays” to you?

candied-ginger-and-broken-ginger-snapsI like to put the popped popcorn in a large disposable pan that you can pick up from any store.  It makes stirring the mix less messy.  Put the gingersnap cookies in a plastic storage bag and smack the heck out of them. You don’t want tiny pieces but not whole cookies either. Chop the candied ginger into small pieces. It can be spicy so I kept the pieces pretty small… and I was going to say that they were optional, but they are not. You HAVE to use them. They have the best flavor when mixed with the white chocolate and popcorn.

toast-almondsFor the almonds, grab a pan and give them a quick toast on the stove. I actually candied them with a little honey and cinnamon but the white chocolate overpowered the flavor. But you definitely want them toasted which helps to bring out their flavor and provide a nice crunch.

popcorn-with-holiday-flavors-mixed-inPut the popcorn and all the add-ins in the pan and give it a quick mix with your hands.

add-white-chocolateMelt the white chocolate in the microwave, taking care to do it in short-ish intervals so you don’t overcook it. Once smooth, pour it on the popcorn mix and toss to coat.

ginger cranberry white chocolate almondSo good!  I wish the popcorn was a little crunchier (it gets a little soft from the white chocolate), but the mix of flavors is delicious. My favorite part is the candied ginger, for sure.

holiday-popcorn-snack-mix-recipeThis holiday popcorn party mix is perfect for all your holiday entertaining, neighbor gifts or just eating for fun. And this is a perfect recipe to get your kids involved with. There is lots of mixing, not much heat and, of course, they make excellent taste testers.

Holiday Popcorn Party Mix Recipe

3 quarts popped popcorn

About 20 gingersnap cookies, broken into medium-sized pieces

1/2 cup dried cranberries

4 large pieces of candied ginger, chopped

1/2 cup slivered almonds, toasted

1 bag white chocolate chips

Place popped popcorn, broken gingersnaps, dried cranberries, chopped candied ginger and toasted almonds in a large disposable baking pan. Toss quickly with a large spoon or your hands, taking care to not break up the popcorn too much. Melt the white chocolate in a microwavable bowl.  Pour over popcorn mix and stir to coat.  Let sit on a sheet pan. Store in an air-tight container.


Meet the Author | Sharon Garofalow

Loves reality television, a Venti Black Iced Tea (unsweet) from Starbucks and pretty much anything with sugar. Mom, wife, crafter, music lover, "best mom in the world," says my 7 year old who happens to be sitting next to me as I work on this.

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  1. Author

    That might work. That is what I do with my caramel corn recipe to make it crispy. I’m just not sure if white chocolate can harden quite the same way.

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