Handmade Baby Items From Etsy

In Baby, Kids by Franki5 Comments

Now that my husband and I are expecting baby number two, I have been scouring the internet night after night searching out the best and most adorable baby stuff. I could easily spend several hours online each night looking solely at baby things; clothes, nursery decor, stuffies…the list continues. As many of you have probably experienced, shopping for babies can be extremely addictive…and I am here to further your addiction.

There are so many things that we bought/were given when we had our daughter that we realized afterward that we really didn’t need, but I still find myself sucked into sweet and unique handmade baby items. I can’t help it! Especially with this most likely being our last child, I want to fill my little ones’ nursery with as many lovely items as possible. I won’t get to shop for another baby, so I am going all out one last time!

There is something so charming about buying handmade items rather than the stuff you will find at any old store, and it can add so much character to your baby’s space. You all know by now that I am an avid Etsy shopper and most of my gifts and basically everything else comes from there. Baby items are no exception. Have you SEEN the amazing baby things on this site?! With the amount of things I have run across, I could easily do a post every day with high-quality handmade items I have found. For today, this list of wonderful baby items will just have to do 🙂

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Organic Chevron Burp Cloths – $19.00 – How lovely are these organic baby burp cloths from Etsy shop Andrea Lynn Handmade? I used to be of the mind that burp cloths did not have to be stylish and could be any old rag, because, well they are being burped onto! But when I saw the array of burp cloths and these amazing cloths in the ever-trendy chevron print, I was a changed woman. Trendy-print burp cloths are now on my must-have baby item list, including these ones!

Organic Cotton Cloth Diaper Cover – $18.95 – For all of the cloth diapering mamas out there, I know finding adorable covers is always a mission of yours. With our daughter, we used plain-coloured covers, but this time around I plan on getting the coolest prints out there I can find! This organic cloth diaper cover from Etsy shop brown cow cotton can easily be used for a little boy or girl, and is made with natural unbleached cotton on the inside, so you don’t have to be concerned about what your baby’s skin is coming into contact with!

Crochet Nursing Necklace – $23.00 – I cannot BELIEVE I didn’t know nursing necklaces existed while I was nursing our daughter! It most definitely would have come in handy for those times (which were ALL of the time) that she would be pulling my hair, pinching my skin or grabbing/chewing on my nice necklaces that I did not want being grabbed/chewed on. Etsy seller Liubov  has created a necklace made from 100% cotton and wooden beads that are perfectly safe for your little one to grab and chew on, all the while you can continue to accessorize in style! The different textures also help to develop your little one’s fine motor skills — so cool!

Wooden Elephant Baby Rattle – $14.00 – I am a big sucker for wooden/natural material baby and children’s toys (even my daughter asks me: “Mom, why don’t you like plastic?”) and when I found these sweet elephant baby rattles from Bannor Toys I knew I had to include them on this list. These rattles are 100% natural and non-toxic, so no worries about them chewing on any harmful chemicals or toxins, and they are so aesthetically pleasing! These will be a definite purchase for us for baby #2.

Crochet Baby Shoes – $6.99 – What is cuter than crocheted baby shoes? Not a whole lot. I love the sweet details of the buttons and the pop of lime green yarn that Etsy seller Jady Tan has included in these adorable little shoes. With such neutral colours they can be purchased for a baby boy or a baby girl. I think crocheted baby clothing and shoes are a must-have for any handmade baby registry!

Pastel Teething Ring – $12.00 – I was always a little wary of plastic teething rings when Tatum was a baby, and I wish I had known about these lovely wooden teething rings from Etsy shop apples n amos back then! Half is covered in tightly knit crocheted natural yarn to provide a different texture for baby if they need something more soothing. Not only are they pretty to look at, but they function just as well as traditional teething rings — you can even dampen the yarn and stick the ring in the freezer for more relief for baby.

Crochet Stuffed Elephant – $32.50 – I really love crochet stuff. I don’t know what it is, but I love how it adds such a sweetness to a baby’s nursery or space. This crochet stuffed elephant from Etsy shop IloveSeths would be a perfect gift to give for a baby shower for a baby boy or girl, or to purchase on your own for a special keepsake for your baby. Shop owner Jenna also has a variety of other sweet animals (check out this adorable owl and cow!) so you can buy according to what best suits your style/theme.

Organic Baby Scratch Mittens – $8.00 – I don’t know about you, but I was never able to find those little baby mittens that I actually enjoyed putting on Tatum. Besides, they normally came included with a sleeper/nightgown, and who says you want them to match exactly?! Not moi. I thought these scratch mittens from Etsy seller Victoria McLean Hall were so sweet and stylish, and could be a unique baby shower gift.

Bamboo Muslin Swaddle Blanket – $29.50 – Swaddle blankets always seem to be a big registry item. Tatum never liked being swaddled; but I fully intend to try with this next baby. Especially if I can use gorgeous swaddle blankets like this one found on Etsy shop Wee Vintage Baby. The hand-stamped design is so delicate, and the material of the blanket is exactly what I imagine swaddling a baby in: super-soft, breathable, light cloth. This can also be used to cover up baby lightly while they are sleeping or to toss over the carseat or stroller to shield from the sun.

All In One Scarf & Bib – $12.00 – I think I squealed a little bit at the cuteness when I saw this super-neat all-in-one scarf & bib from Etsy shop scabib. Sometimes, bibs just do not add anything to a baby’s outfit. And I know I sound a bit ridiculous talking about adding style to a baby outfit, but this bib is stylish AND practical! When Tatum was teething she had a bib on 24/7, and I would have loved to have an adorable option like this for her. The bibs are fastened with velcro at the back so they are amazingly easy to put on (no tying or anything like that). Take a look at scabib’s website too!

Are you a sucker for lovely handmade baby items like I am? What are your favourite handmade finds?

Meet the Author | Franki

As her Twitter handle reads, Franki is a "coffee-crazed, organic-obsessed, make-up addicted earth-friendly blogger mama." Franki is passionate about feeding her family the healthiest foods and helping other families make healthy choices as well as anything fashion, eco-chic or make-up related. She is a mother to one daughter who always keeps her on her toes!

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  1. Ooh definitely taking a look at the nursing necklace. I’m another one who didn’t know of their existence – until just now in fact!

    I’m also a sucker for wooden toys as oppose to plastic (it gives me a headache just looking at the gaudy neons). In fact if I was stronger willed I’d vow to only buy wooden toys from now on…

  2. Thank you Franki, for including my blankets. All of the items are so adorable!

  3. Pingback: Wee Vintage Baby » WeeVintageBaby Featured on Savvy Sassy Moms Blog

  4. Wow Franki that was very informative with some nice products! Etsy is full of random, unique items so it is definitely an interesting site to browse through.

  5. Hi,
    My name is Raelene and I have a shop on madeit selling baby shoes. I am also addicted those cute baby items and have found myself obsessed with making all sorts of baby shoes. I have been selling locally for some time and have just ventured into internet selling. If you have time take a look at my shop. I love the listing you have posted above they are adorable.

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