Creativity for Kids Twitter party {wednesday}

In Kids by savvysassymoms8 Comments


Creativity For Kids Twitter party!

Wednesday, September 7th at 10:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM PST
Hostess:  @momtrends  Co-Hostess: @savvysassymoms

Follow @Creativity4Kids

Hashtag #Creativity4Kids

Creativity For Kids provides the absolute best quality children’s creative activity products. Founded by two moms in 1976, their Mission is to provide children with experiences that stimulate and encourage their natural creativity. Visit the site to check out all their items including award winning products like ShrinkyDink Fairy Garden, Money Monster Banks, Recycled Cardboard Dollhouse and more!

Durting the party we will discuss how spending quality Family Time together is SO important.  It’s not just about doing an art project together it’s about building relationsships with your children, opening up the lines of  communication, and helps develops positive values.  We’ll also discuss and ask for tips on how you keep those kids busy during the rainy or snowy days during the fall and winter months ahead!

Keep up with Creativity For Kids!

Follow them on Facebook , Twitter  and check out their Blog

Twitter party PRIZES

• Five (5) prize packs will each include a $100 Visa Cash Card for “Family Fun Night” + 2 kits

1.  Monster Trucks Custom Shop & Wind Up Workshop Robots
2.  Recycled Cardboard Zoo and Sparkling 3D Paint Activity Kit
3.  Cool Metallics Pictures & Designs, Travel Doodle & Do Coloring & ARTivity Book, Fun on the Farm Coloring & Artivity Books
4.  Create Your Own 3 Bitty Books & Create Your Own Pop-Up Books
5.  Shrinky Dinks Gear & The Complete Tie Dye Kit



Must be RSVP’d with your Twitter handle on the form below
Must Be a US or Canadian resident to win.
Must answer questions by tweeting with the hashtag #creativityforkids
All winners will be sent a direct Message after the party to coordinate prizing


Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. It is late for me, but I love the products, so I will be there. Thanks!


  2. I will be there! These kits look like fun! I want to learn more, my daughter loves stuff like this! Can’t wait….see you there! @tiffany053p

  3. I enjoy crafts and teaching my children crafting. I think that creativity is very important for childrens development. It is also fun to see their own variations of craft projects. Excited about the twitter party!! @kathyrb

  4. Thank you for the Twitter party last night. It was really neat to feel the excitement of all the parents sharing ideas. I am very excited to have won kits to try out. We will be using our “family fun night” money on a weekend trip to the Minnesota Children’s Museum in St. Paul!

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