5 Tips for rocking the carpool

In Kids by Carrie Beth & JenLeave a Comment

As a mom, now that school is back in session and fall activities in full swing, your car has once again become your second home. Carpools can be hugely beneficial when it comes to saving both time, money, and your sanity. Here are five easy tips to help you not only organize, but rock, a carpool.

Tip #1: Rules aren’t meant to be broken

Seems simple enough — follow the rules. As carpool mom you need to pick your child’s carpool-mates wisely. Make sure everyone knows the rules and that they are consistent across the entire carpool. Rules of the school. Rules of the carpool line. Rules once you get into everyone’s car. Know them. Learn them. Communicate them. Use them. This will make the school year (and your car rides) much smoother!

What to Read in the Carpool Line

Tip #2: Embrace the line

Now, a large part or being a carpool mom is sitting in the carpool line. If you are lucky, your line moves fairly quickly and takes only minutes (If this is you, send me your zip code please!). However, for the majority, you spend a fair amount of time in line waiting. And waiting. And waiting some more.

Now a huge no-no is looking at your cell phone while in line… even when you are parked. Before you start to hyperventilate — or think that it is okay to sneak a peek occasionally — refer to Tip #1. Take a deep breath, realize that you can answer all those PTA emails in just a few short moments, and be prepare to use the line to your own personal advantage.

Use this time to reflect and embrace the quiet. Read. Eat… and slowly enjoy, a snack that you might not want to share with the little bundles of heaven about to enter your car. Or, our personal favorite, touch up that mani with the latest polish shades that fall has to offer.

Don’t fight the line — embrace it!

5 Tips Every Rock Star Carpool Mom Needs

Tip #3: Be prepared for extras

The fun thing about being a carpool mom is getting the chance to be involved with your child and their social circle. Be flexible, and, if you have room, be prepared for any last minute additions to your carpool for the day.

Keep an extra car seat seat or booster on hand. Pick a seat that is comfortable, safe, and versatile so that you are able to accommodate whomever might be popping in for a ride that day.

Car Seats that are Awesome for Car Pools

The Aidia Pathfinder High Back Booster (shown in Endeavor; $140) has proven to be our carpool favorite. With its lightweight aerodynamic feel, and its easy to adjust 7-position headrest, we know that we are able to quickly, easily, and safely accommodate any additional children who we might be transporting for the rest of the day.

You can win your own Aidia High-Back Booster and $1250 in other prizes in our Savvy Sassy School Days Giveaway! Hurry, it ends this week!

Tips for Making Carpools Easy

Listen, when you rock at carpool everyone wants in on your minivan

How to Survive Carpool Days
Tip #4: Snacks

Need we say more? OK, we will. Any mom knows in most situations snacks are an integral part of survival. As good carpool mom, have these prepped and ready to go, because the moment that last click of the seat belt occurs, you know you are going to hear, “I’m hungry! Can I have a snack?”

And then five minutes later, “I’m thirsty! Can I have some water?” So go ahead and have the water bottles prepped, too.

Carpool Survival List for Moms
Tip #5: Have FUN!

While spending large blocks of your day/week/month/year driving might not be the top activity on your list of fun things to do, take a moment chose to enjoy this time with your kids. Make the best of it and have fun. Like, seriously have fun. Play silly games. Make goofy jokes that they can’t help but laugh at. Have their favorite play list on hand and rock carpool karaoke so well that James Corden would be jealous.

By having fun you create an atmosphere both you and the children look forward to each day. Because not only do you carpool, you rock it! (Water bottle microphone optional.)

What are some of your tips on how you rock at carpool?

Meet the Author | Carrie Beth & Jen

Carrie Beth and Jen are both 30-something mothers and wives, who happen to be best friends. They both love all things preppy, southern, and just plain pretty. Between the two of them, they have 5 precious little ones and constantly have a text conversation going on about the day-to-day of their lives and the crazy adventure that is motherhood. Whether it's trying to keep up with current fashion trends, finally getting around to that DIY project, or just dealing with everyday life with kids, it always keeps them laughing and it's always real life. They share their ideas and stories on their blog, The Magnolia Mamas.

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