Barbie is Moving & Barbie MegaBloks Dream House

In Kids, Toys by Esther CarlstoneLeave a Comment

Savvy Sassy Sponsored Post

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Barbie is Moving

For the first time in history, Barbie is touring across North America in search of a place to call home, and several weekends ago, Los Angeles was graced with her presence. So I got to do what millions of little girls all over were dreaming of doing and attended the Barbie is Moving event at The Grove in Los Angeles. Think pink. Think girlie. Think Barbie. And despite my initial resistance to anything so…pink, I was struck by a flood of nostalgia for all of the Barbies I used to play with as a kid. Like it or not, Barbie was a huge part of most of our childhoods and will likely remain so for a long time. I mean, come on, don’t you remember just wishing and hoping that just one day you’d get that Dream House you’d been longing for?

Once you entered The Grove, there was no missing the Barbie is Moving event. There were festive pink tents set up with life-size Barbie cutouts everywhere, along with a huge group of very eager girls and their moms waiting to be let in, and the wait would be worth it. Once inside, it was every Barbie fans dream come true. Under the tents were various activities they could partake in from designing their own dress for Barbie (which they got to keep!) to building a dream room for the MegaBloks Barbie Dream House (review below). Not to mention the indoor area with enough boas and sequined fashion for any little girl (or her mom) to squeal over as they tried them on. Then they’d head down the Barbie runway, strike a pose and receive a commemorative photo at the end. See? Dreams do come true.

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Barbie MegaBloks Build ‘n Style Luxury Mansion

My Barbie fun didn’t just end there. The little girl in me squealed just a little when I came home to find a massive pink package on my doorstep – the Barbie MegaBloks Build ‘n Style Luxury Mansion. My daughter is only 2, so she’s a little young to play with all of the small pieces, but I knew she’d love looking at it nonetheless. So what’s a mom to do, but get building? And true confession: I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. There’s something relaxing about assembling piece after piece (even the hubby helped!), and something so fun about customizing the house with the provided stickers and accessories (all while my favorite show was playing in the background.)  I can see older girls LOVING building this mansion from the ground up. Even though I’m by no means a huge Barbie fan, I still found myself going, “Oh cool, the bathroom even has a blow dryer!” and “Whoa, I want a house with an elevator!” and feeling an immense sense of satisfaction when I at least finished.

The end result? A spectacularly accessorized pink mansion that has truly thought of every little detail. The bathroom has a toilet where the lid actually lifts up! The kitchen has a fridge and a stove and cupcakes! The flat screen TV in the living room is even fancier than my real one and swivels while Barbie rocks out on the screen. There’s even a rooftop patio set complete with miniature cat. The possibilities are truly endless. There’s eight interchangeable rooms that are super easy to slide in and out to move them to wherever a little girl’s heart desires. And while the way the big rooms attach to one another isn’t the sturdiest, as long as it’s not a young toddler playing with it, and you move it with care, it’ll be fine. The set also comes with a miniature Barbie and her friend Teresa with several outfits they can share and change into. This morning when my daughter woke up and spied the mansion on the dining table, her look of awe and “Ooooh, so pretty!” was totally worth every tiny flower head I placed on the delicate stems… and I finally got that Dream House I’d been begging Mom for.

For more information including a full list of activities and cities for the Barbie Is Moving Mobile Tour, please visit

Barbie is Moving June 1 Los Angeles

Connect with Barbie Style via all her social media channels


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post from One2One Network and Mattel. All savvy thoughts and sassy opinions are my own.

Meet the Author | Esther Carlstone

Esther is the mother to a silly 20-month old daughter who hates wearing clothes. Born and raised in Southern California, she attended UCLA where she received her Bachelors Degree in English and continues to live and love Los Angeles many years after. After a decade-long stint as an event planner, she is now a writer/editor for various websites and blogs about all thing lovely at her site, A Lovely State of Mind. She's hates trolling through unorganized sales racks and is obsessed with fashion, food, travel, pop culture, Instagramming, good design, and too many TV shows to count. Oh, and coffee totally counts as a food group (the main one if you have a kid.) You can find Esther on her blog, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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