I have a 3 year old daughter, and whether I had a daughter or not I know the importance of teaching her about self esteem. Whenever a product comes out that promotes her learning about self-esteem I’m in. Thankfully the new app succeeds in every way. When I saw it for the first time I knew this was something that my daughter needed to see. I was so happy to get her something I could trust her to play on her own.
When I downloaded this app I couldn’t believe how cute and amazing the graphics are. When you start out dressing the little girl, you think that it could be another rendition of this dress up app, but then the story begins, and you see that it’s teaching the little girl in your life about pretty both on the inside and outside. The minute I started up the app it was a hit. In the next 3 hours she had played with and listened to several more times. My iPad became her personal confidence booster.
You follow the journey of a spunky and fashionably 8 year old little girl named Alexandra Rain, who calls herself a “Super Model Extraordinaire”! While she enjoys modeling fun fashion styles, what she loves to model most is the kindness in her heart. The first book in this series is all about courage. The book takes you through an interactive story about a typical day at school when Alexandra is afraid and needs to find her courage.
The term “Super Model” is not used in the traditional sense for Alex’s story. The Alexandra Rain series is an entertaining story that teaches kids the value of modeling kind virtues like love, peace, strength and courage. The definition of ‘model’ is understood in two different ways. Ales is a fashionista and likes to model clothes and jewelry, but her primary focus is modeling kind, positive behavior.
- Calling all fashionistas! Girls can create their very own fashion creation with the Dress Up Alex feature
- Sing along to her hit single “You Can Model Love!” karaoke style and watch her music video “You can model love”
- Girls can also enjoy a coloring page and play a matching game.
All of this included in one App for only $1.99 at the itunes App Store on November 14.
If that isn’t enough you can enter to win a Daisy Rock Guitar because Daisy Rock is doing whatever it takes to help girls play guitar and enjoy music. This goes far beyond the instruments and deep into the community. Daisy Rock is passionate about empowering girls and helping to give them the confidence and the tools to do whatever it is that they enjoy. Simply enter the Rafflecopter below where you can win 1 of 10 Daisy Rock Guitars!
WAIT!!!!!! Join us on November 14th at 10 AM PST for the amazing Alexandra Rain launch Twitter Party with over $1,000 in prizing from Daisy Guitars, Freshology, Moms Gone Zen, 15 FREE Alexandra App downloads with custom courage bracelets from Dillon Rogers.
and follow the hashtag #AlexandraRain.
Don’t forget to follow the guest of honor @Alexandra_Rain. See you there!
“The best fashion statement is what you model with your heart.” -Alexandra Rain, Super Model Extraordiniare
I was given access to the app early at no charge to facilitate this review. The opinion above is my own swayed only by my inner Fashionista.
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We are in LOVE with this app. Seriously, all 3 of my girls love it. So many features. So much to do!
It’s so rewarding to see such a beautiful app with a powerful message delivered in the language that little speak. Thank you for sharing this little treasure! My five year old has already become her BFF!
teaching girls about courage will strengthen them for life experiences as they transform into women. Courage is everything. It’s not being afraid to stand up for yourself and life challenges. Courage should begin from when they are young and apps like these, where children are already into gadget is a great example.
Teaching girls to have courage is an important thing and will serve them well in the future. It starts I guess by showing by example- that courage means you stand up for your beliefs and you stand your ground in a mature way. You teach them being ‘strong’ doesn’t make them less womanly but even more so.
I am teaching my daughter to follow her dreams and to be strong role model for everyone around her.
I do worry about all the focus on fashion for little girls, but I can also see them liking this.