All about the new 4moms magnetic high chair

In Kids by Katie ReyesLeave a Comment

We are big fans of 4moms products here, and their new high chair does not disappoint! It is very clear, in all of their products, that 4moms creates everything with moms in mind (hence their name)! This high chair is no exception.

What we love about the new 4moms magnetic high chair

A mom’s high chair dream come true

The 4moms High Chair ($300) has a magnetic tray with a removable liner on top, so you can clean it and snap it back on, all while your baby is securely in the chair! It also comes with a magnetic bowl which attaches to the tray. Does your little one love to throw his bowls of food on the ground? This makes that much harder to do! Still possible, if you have a strong little one, but definitely harder! And all of the moms said, “Yessssss!” Because really, anything to make mealtime less messy is always a win, right moms?

The magnetic tray from 4moms is a dream for moms

The magnetic tray is great, also, because you can remove it with one hand, freeing your other hand, which more than likely is holding a baby/food/water. Multi-tasking just got easier!

Features we love

Another great feature of this highchair are the steps. My independent little guy loves this part, as he can just walk right up and into his chair! It’s fun for him, so mealtime is even more enjoyable now. The chair also has three adjustable heights, so you take it up or down as you need to fit up to your table, whatever the height. You can also remove the tray entirely and have your little guy right up at the table with you.

All about the new 4moms magnetic high chair
The seat is padded and comfortable for your little one, and also removable for easier cleaning! I told you, this high chair was really made with moms in mind! And the sleek, modern style is sure to fit with the aesthetic in any home.

I have owned a few high chairs, and this one absolutely wins, hands-down, for the easiest clean up! And for that, I say thank you, 4moms, from moms everywhere.

A completely magnetic high chair tray!

Meet the Author | Katie Reyes

Katie lives in Sacramento, California with her husband and two little ones. She is a full-time blogger and runs the lifestyle and fashion website, Katie Did What. She earned her Bachelors degree in French from California State University, Sacramento and studied abroad in Paris during her junior year. She is therefore highly influenced by all things French and is always in search for that joie de vivre.

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