Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day

In Kids by Carrie Beth & JenLeave a Comment

Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17th! This nationally celebrated holiday is continuing to grow in popularity each year. What better way to teach kids about compassion, kindness and caring for others than to have them celebrate this day! In a world where it is easy for kids (and adults) to focus on themselves, we love shifting the focus to others and finding little ways to bring a smile to those around us. We’ve got 10 easy ways to get your kids involved and help spread the love.


1. Lucky pennies

See a penny, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck! Grab some spare change, a piece of sidewalk chalk and get to work. Drop those lucky pennies on sidewalks and parking lots, highlighted with chalk, and make someone’s day.

2. Say hi

Encourage kids to talk to someone new at school. It’s easy for kids to pair off with their same friends each day, but there are always new friends and classmates to engage with. A simple hi, wave or a smile could change someone’s day.

3. Notes of encouragement

You never know what someone is going through and what a word of encouragement could do for them. Write some kind words on sticky notes and put on bathroom mirrors or tape cards in unsuspecting spots.

4. Playground presents

If you have extra bubbles or small toys laying around, you can make a child’s day. Have your kids sneak around and put these presents at your local playground for the next kid to find. It will definitely add some extra fun to their playtime.

5. Trash duty

Spend 5 minutes walking around your neighborhood or school to pick up any litter you may find. Doing a little extra to keep things clean will be appreciated by everyone.

6. Surprise treats

There is nothing that chocolate can’t fix. Tape some quarters to a vending machine or on a candy bar at the gas station and someone will get a surprise treat on you!

7. Get ahead in the line

Someone recently let us go ahead of them in line when they saw we were in a hurry and it was the kindest thing! If you have a few extra minutes, allow that person who is up against the clock to advance in line.

8. Kindness treat bags

There are probably a lot of people who do a lot for your family. From the mailman to trash collectors, leave them little treats to say thanks and bring a smile to their face.

9. Nursing home visit

Have your kids make pictures or cards to deliver to a local nursing home. Residents always appreciate visitors, especially those who don’t have family nearby. A quick 15 minute visit will be the highlight of their week!

10. Kindness rocks

Paint and hide rocks around town…from the baseball fields to the doctor’s office. It’s kind of like an Easter egg hunt, but with inspiring messages and fun designs. The people who find them are sure to smile!

Which of these random acts of kindness is your favorite?

Meet the Author | Carrie Beth & Jen

Carrie Beth and Jen are both 30-something mothers and wives, who happen to be best friends. They both love all things preppy, southern, and just plain pretty. Between the two of them, they have 5 precious little ones and constantly have a text conversation going on about the day-to-day of their lives and the crazy adventure that is motherhood. Whether it's trying to keep up with current fashion trends, finally getting around to that DIY project, or just dealing with everyday life with kids, it always keeps them laughing and it's always real life. They share their ideas and stories on their blog, The Magnolia Mamas.

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