Where I wear my Ergo

In Kids by JennaLeave a Comment

This post is sponsored by Ergo for BabyCenter.

There is nothing sweeter than having a baby. Once your newborn has arrived, you tell yourself that you are never going to put her down and you take in every breath of your new baby, loving her scent and having her so close to you. But as they days and weeks go on, you begin to think about what you’re missing… your arms! They used to be able to do so much and with a new baby, you need them back more than ever to do all the laundry, make meals and everything in between!

A few short weeks after my son was born, I knew that it was time to investigate carriers. At the beginning, I just wanted to write some thank you cards while he slept on me. I didn’t want to lose having him so close to me all the time because I knew that I would blink and he wouldn’t be a baby anymore. Finding a carrier that didn’t leave me recovering with back pain for days after wearing it was a challenge… until I tried on an Ergo carrier.

I quickly fell in love with the Ergo360 and have never turned back. I am not the kind of person who likes to stay home — I am always on the go and having two kids has made me even busier. What started as a sweet boy who wanted to be held all the time, turned into a sweet busy boy who wanted to be in the middle of the action (just like his mom) and be on my hip all the time. Now he has a sister who is exactly the same! We love to travel and my separation anxiety is worse than the kids, so I like to bring them with me! Here are some of my favorite places to wear my Ergo.


In the air

A screaming baby on a plane is no fun for anyone. Some babies hate the airplane, while others love it. Both of my kids loved being in the Ergo on the plane. I always try to book my travel around nap times because, let’s be honest, the more time you knock out on the plane by sleeping, the better!  Before I get on the plane, I put my daughter in the carrier in the front-inward carry and before I know it she is out like a light, making the boarding process easy. The support of the carrier ensures that my back is supported and that she is support as well so that we are both as comfortable as can be. Not to mention, there are times when I have traveled alone with one or both kids. Travelling alone, with a stroller, luggage, diaper bag, toys, car seat — you get the picture — is no easy feat! Less is more, and I need my hands, so the Ergo is a must.

Of course, the Ergo is not approved for use during take-off and landing, so make sure you are getting your sleepy little ones out of their carriers during those times to be as safe as possible when you travel.


On the land

From Florida to Arizona to Boston or to Mexico, wherever my travels take me, my daughter is right there with me getting the best view around! Instead of pushing her in the stroller, both she and I like it when she is worn in the front-outward carry to take it all in. One of my favorite places to wear her is on a beach in the hot sand. Walking with her with the sun on my face and the smell of the ocean is a feeling to cherish forever!

On the water

I look forward to summer trips to the cottage country every year. Parking the car and travelling by boat gives you that feeling of being detached from the rest of the world for a bit! While I love the wind blowing my hair all over the place, I always make sure Addison is comfortable and snug in the carrier at we board the boat. I put the hood up to keep her head in place and protect her from sun and blowing wind.



Wherever life takes us, my carrier is just a reach away. Whether it be to the mall, apple picking in the fall, walks through the ravine in the winter or to an amusement park in the summer, one of my kids are bound to be in the carrier! As they get bigger, I wear them in the hip carry just as I would without the carrier.

Where do you baby wear?

This post is sponsored by Ergo in partnership with BabyCenter. All opinions are my own.

Meet the Author | Jenna

Jenna Greenspoon is a mom & stepmom to 4 kids between the ages of 8 and 13. She loves staying up to date on all things kids and makes sure she is on point with the latest childhood trends! She is the owner of Savvy Sassy Moms and manages a team of creative contributors that work hard to keep moms up to date on the latest trends. Jenna loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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