Unity Day: STOP the bullying

In Kids by savvysassymoms30 Comments

50% of kids report being bullied at school

Every half hour a child commits suicide as a result of being bullied

One attempt is made every 30 seconds.


Communities nationwide are urged to get involved with National Bullying Prevention Month and take an active role in the movement against bullying by using PACER resources. PACER has sponsored this event since 2006, when it was a one week event in October and in 2010 evolved to the entire month of October.

During the month—and throughout the year—you are encouraged to use the creative resources here to engage, educate, and inspire others to join the movement.

I was never bullied, well sure I was called a name and picked on once or twice but nothing as appalling or dangerous as what is happening today.   My kids are still young and luckily nothing in the way of bullying has come to our attention but it’s great to know that there are online resources should something arise and we need to take action.

Important Questions to ask you child:

  1. Who is doing the bullying?
  2. What happened? Was it
    Verbal bullying, Physical bullying, Cyberbullying? (Meet directly with the principal if this is the case.)
  3. What days and times were you bullied?
  4. Where did the bullying take place?*Parents should keep a written record of this information
Parents should watch out for:

  1. Does not want to go to school for fear of being hurt
  2. Complains of stomach aches, headaches, etc..
  3. Has new behavior as a result to bullying

As a student, bullying is something that impacts you, your peers, and your school – whether you’re the target of bullying, a witness, or the person who bullies. Bullying can end, but that won’t happen unless students, parents, and educators work together and take action, be sure to download the Student Plan of Action.

Spookley the Square Pumpkin has been named the Official spokes-pumpkin for October 2011 National Bullying Prevention Month. Spookley is partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center on a number of initiatives, working together with farms, movie theatres, malls, museums and schools across the country to spread the word throughout October that hurting people’s feelings is never okay!

We have teamed up with Spookley the Square Pumpkin for a Twitter Party tonight.
Please join us for this very important discussion!  

5% of all of Holiday Hill Enterprises’ proceeds from sales of The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin during 2011 will be donated to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center For additional information, visit www.spookley.com | facebook.com/holidayhillfarm.


WIN a Spookley Prize Pack and this Orange Satchel ($250 Value)


1.   Share your experience with Bullying

2.  Follow @HolidayHillFarm 

3.   Share THIS Post via Twitter or Facebook

“I want bullying to STOP!  I entered the #Spookley the Square Pumpkin Giveaway http://bit.ly/ssmbull2”

Extra Entry:

4.  Like Holiday Hill Farm on Facebook


Open to US Residents only
Contest ends october 31st at 11:59pm

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. i was bullied from my pimples during middle school… i really tried not to show them that i cared but it made me really insecure. but i am happy to say that i am comfortable with my own body.. and the pimples went away as i started freshman year!
    i shared this post and follow holiday hill farm via twitter!


  2. I was picked on mostly for material items that I did not have. Being bullied affects you for a long time. Sometimes it’s still hard to talk about. I follow @holidayhillfarm on twitter and like them on facebook also.

  3. I hate to say it but we are all bullied, even I was a victim. I was bullied becauase of my religion…I wasn’t one of the majority. It does hurt.

  4. My son started kindergarten this year and I already made the change from him riding the school bus in the afternoon to car pool because of a bully. My son has a bit of a lisp.. ( that has improved a lot since he started school) and the older kids were picking on him … As a parent I didn’t want to have to take him away from bullying like that. I believe that it is something that is unavoidable in our lives and we must learn how to deal with it.. Although, at his age it’s truly an unfair advantage especially because it is something that he can’t change 🙁 .. We have seen the spookily movie and this blog post inspired me to re-watch it if we can find it.. especially cause its the season..now I can help apply the lessons from the movie / book to boost his moral 🙂 thank you for hosting this giveaway 🙂

  5. I had a group of girls make fun of me in junior high. One day they said they were going to beat me up after school. The appointed time came, they showed up as. I was walking to my ride, and I wS so scared. But I stood up straight and called them out on the fact that ere were 5 of them and one of me… Pretty much called therm chicken and walked away. They stopped bullying me.

  6. We liked holiday hill farm on Facebook as Sara Beth 🙂 thank you again for hosting this giveaway

  7. I was bullied from the 5th-8th grade because of my last name and the town where I came from. It was so bad I did not want to go to this school at all.

    I liked holidayhillfarm on Facebook.

  8. i follow @holidayhill farm on twitter!

  9. I was bullied all threw school for not wearing the right clothes, being a Christian, and just not being the right kind of person for that few selected people. In my experience…. it only made me stronger. It made me realize that at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what people think of you. You just need to love yourself. Thank goodness I had a family to come home to that loved me unconditionally. If the ones that bully only new the impact they leave on peoples lives. It’s sad.

  10. When our Son was in Grade 4, he complained to me about being bullied by 4 other boys. I, in turn, complained to the school.

    To make a long story short, the school concluded that it was actually our Son who was bullying the other boys. I knew this was not the case. Not only was our Son a very meek and mild child, but these boys were all twice his size.

    It seemed that the school just did not want to handle the issue. I started talking to other parents and found out that they were having the same experience when they complained about bullying.

    I fought to have our Son moved to another school and won.

    He is now is grade twelve and never again did he complain of being bullied nor was he ever accused of being a bully.

    The school we moved him to had a very public and very strict policy on bullying. It simply would not be tolerated and both the students and the parents knew it.

    I am so glad that I was able to remove our Son from the situation, however, I know there are countless parents who do not have that option and my heart goes out to them.

    We must all work together to stop bullying and, especially, deal with it when it happens.

  11. I am following @HolidayHillFarm on Twitter.

    Twitter ID: @bullittmilner

  12. I am a fan of Holiday Hill Farms on Facebook.

    Facebook ID: Pauline Milner Pike

  13. Bullying is the worst with young girls. I have a daughter and I wish I could be there when it happens to protect her.

  14. I think everyone is bullied at some point, in school I wasn’t in the “cool crowd” and they would make fun of me. I did have a circle of friends but it was hard to have people make fun of you to your face and to anyone who would listen.
    What I see going on in today’s world, that was easy to deal with.

  15. I was bullied in jr high. Her life went nowhere…

  16. I was bullied because I wore glasses and my family didn’t have money for cool clothes and shoes. Now that I am a mom, my hurt bleeds when my children are bullied. They are both autistic and have a difficult times making friends and they have been bullied at the local park right in front of me.

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