beachy waves tutorial

Summer beachy waves tutorial

In Beauty, Style by Natalia SimmonsLeave a Comment

Summer! It’s here and it’s in full swing! Who doesn’t love summer? When you think about summer hair, what do you think about? For me, messy/sexy Victoria’s Secret hair pops into my mind first. So I thought I’d create a hair tutorial for some sexy summer beachy waves. They’re easy and the best part is that messy is the key, so they don’t have to be perfect!

Summer Beachy Waves

summer Beachy waves tutorial

I posted a picture on Instagram of this hairstyle and a large amount of people wanted to see how I did it! So here ya go! Let’s talk about what you’ll need for this beachy hair look.

Last time I was here at Savvy Sassy Moms I talked about some awesome summer beauty products. I used a few of those here. What you’ll need

  • Flat iron
  • Clipless curling iron
  • Texturing Spray (I used Not Your Mother’s brand that I mentioned in the last post)
  • Spray & Play (Big Sexy Hair brand – also mentioned in the last post)


  • Root Pump (like Big Sexy Hair brand)
  • Dry Shampoo
  • Mousse

Here’s how you can create those sexy beachy waves:Beachy Waves tutorial


  1. Start by heating up both your clipless curling iron & your straightener.
  2. Divide your hair into 4 large sections
  3. Start with one section and twist a small section of hair back away from your face.
  4. Twist it as tight as you can and run the flat iron over it until it’s heated through.
  5. Do this until you’ve done it all over your head and leave them until your done. They need to cool all the way through. Spray all over with a spray & play hairspray (one that is workable.)
  6. After they’re cooled, run your hands through your hair.
  7. Take your clipless curling iron and add a few curls throughout. Not your whole head, just a few on top and a few underneath. NOTE: Don’t curl all the way down. Curl just in the middle leaving the ends out.
  8. Take your texturizing spray and spray throughout. Use your hands and scrunch your hair with the texturizing spray.
  9. You’re done!!

Now, I mentioned a few products up there in the optional section. You could use root pump after you get out of the shower on damp hair. Same for the mousse. These two just give you more volume and body when styling. I’m assuming you’d be doing these beachy waves and day two or three of your hair not being washed, which means you’ll neeeeeed some dry shampoo. Big Sexy Hair brand is my absolute favorite and I’ve tried quite a few.

beachy waves tutorial

There you have it! What do you think? Would you give this beachy waves tutorial a try?

I hope you liked it and that you’re summer is going great! 🙂


Meet the Author | Natalia Simmons

Natalia Simmons is a mom to two crazy boys and wife to one handsome dude. She lives in France part of the year where her husband plays professional basketball, but she hails from Southern California. The hubs was born & raised in Nassau, Bahamas, which makes them an intercultural, interracial family traveling the globe together since 2007. She loves to cook (but mostly eat), hang with her fam, be adventurous, & find ways to stay girlie in a house full of men. On her site you can find loads of hair tutorials, makeup ideas, & fashion tips for the everyday woman. She believes that beauty and fashion don’t have to be intimidating and that every woman should learn to embrace her own beauty.

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