Story of You App – Digital Baby Book for the Busy Mom

In Apps, Tech by Guest Writer2 Comments

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I remember asking my mom if she had my baby book because I wanted to start looking into timing of my milestones and see what I looked like at different ages.  The answer I got was a “well…umm… hmmm..” and with uncertainty I followed that answer up with a “you do have my baby book right?”

I very vividly remember seeing my older sister’s baby book and how each of her milestones were marked with dates and pictures and so what is with this response?  A few minutes later, my mom, looking very somber, appears with an old book in her hands!  Woooh, you found it!  “Well, yes babe, I found it, but… ” excited I grab the aged pale pink book and open it.  Getting even more giddy, I flip open and on the first page is my name and birthday and how much I weighed written out in a beautiful cursive!  “Oh Mom, this is great!” and I look up and she still has this saddened look on her face.  Still confused I turn the page… EMPTY!  I flip to the next page… EMPTY!  Wait, what?

Well it didn’t take much longer after that for it to set in that my poor baby book had only had the first page filled out… DOH!

My parents had what I had always heard as the “When the second kid comes around, you are so busy, that we didn’t have time to write down and scrapbook a picture at each event.”  Oh man!

From that day on, I vowed that I was not going to let that happen to my children!  I mean how busy could you possibly be?

My daughter was only a month old when I realized, that is was going to be crazy hard to make sure I kept track of all her milestones and pictures.  It took me a few months to complete, but after my daughter’s first year, working on it with all my free time, I finished her baby book.  Wooh!

Fast forward to our second baby!  Two in diapers and you can barely find time to get yourself showered.  Let alone transfer all the pictures and milestones you’ve captured on your phone (our primary camera these days) to your computer, printing them out and writing in the book.  WHO THE HECK HAS TIME?

Oh man, is my son going to suffer from the same no baby book syndrome that I did?

Guess what?  They have an app for that!  No, I’m serious!  Its the best thing to happen to busy moms and dads in a long time!  And its !  Even better!

The App is a digital baby book where busy parents can record milestones as they happen and add pictures.  The app includes six different design templates, its Facebook integrated (SERIOUSLY AWESOME), and includes pre-built time lines and milestones from first words to the first step.  There is even room to create your own!  “And since no two  families are alike, their templates can specify single, adoptive and same sex parent households” According to the co-found Mike “JB” John-Baptiste.  How fabulous is that?

The best part is that when you’re finished, you can post it to your Facebook wall, email it to family and friends or print out a hardcover version to give as gifts to the grandparents!


  • 1.) Download the FREE APP
  • 2.) Open the app and they guide you through the rest!
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Four simple steps to get it started and its just a few clicks to add your child’s name and pictures and lastly pick a template and voila, its created for you!

Then its a matter of adding each of the milestones:

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Some other great features this app has that I’m loving:

Milestone reminders: You will receive relevant reminders to add data as specific milestones are approaching.

One Click Printing: They offer beautiful hardcover books through a simple process done right inside the app. Change the colors and content of your baby book and print different versions for various family members and yourself. **Available in February**

Sharing: After you’ve finished your baby book, you can share it privately via email to family and friends. Although your book is best viewed on an iPad, even loved ones that don’t own the device can view the book via our secure website. Even better: You don’t have to wait to finish your book to begin sharing. Special moments can be shared at any time via email or by posting them to Facebook.

Finished product is awesome!

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From one busy mom to the other… download now and get started!

Disclaimer: This is a paid sponsored post. The above opinions are my own.

Meet the Author | Guest Writer

This post was written by someone who we think has some pretty savvy ideas! We love sharing creative, informative and fun things form guest contributors!

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  1. How cool. My wife makes custom handmade board books at Hullabaloo Stories. This could be a great app to use in tandem with her customers to make their own and submit them to her to create as a board book. Too cool.

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