Peg Perego Book Pop Up

Peg Perego Book Pop-Up debuts this month

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Peg Perego Book Pop Up

The Peg Perego Book Pop Up has seven luxury color schemes.

Ahhh…. Peg Perego! Elegant stroller designs and Italian-made luxury fabric. Peg Perego has always been a high-quality brand that stays in the lead of modern innovation.

Book and Book Plus are a big hit

Last year Peg Perego introduced the Book and Book Plus — a stroller that folded in a similar way that a book would close in a one-handed smooth motion. Light weight, yet with all the comforts and amenities we parents like to have for ourselves and for our baby. The Book has been a big hit — it has gotten rave reviews averaging 4 stars with consumers. What more could Peg Perego possibly do for the Book?

How about a modular system? This brand is well-known for putting together some fantastic package deals, and with the Book Pop Up, you get the premium chassis, the seat and the bassinet.

The Book Pop Up is improved on last year’s Book in that the chassis now has a jet black finish and an eco-leather handle bar. The wheels are now made of Polyurethane that gives your baby a smoother ride. And if you have a Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4-35 (or Primo Viaggio SIP 30-30) infant car seat, you will be able to install the seat directly onto the chassis without needing adapters.

The scoop on new features

What I think is the coolest new feature of the Book Pop Up is the collapsing bassinet. I have never heard of a stroller being able to fold with a bassinet still attached! The sides of the bassinet collapse down, so that it becomes half the height, then you just flip the handle bar right over it and it folds down. Granted, the fold will be bulkier with the bassinet attached, but it still saves you a step in the whole process and makes transporting and stowing your pram much more compact and easier.

The Peg Perego Book Pop Up has other features that make it a must-have such as a reversing seat, and adjustable footrest and a full-coverage sun canopy with extra panels that zip up for neatness.

The bassinet has an adjustable inclined mattress, so you can either have your infant lay flat or slightly elevated. I also like the large mesh panel in the canopy that allows for fresh air flow.

And lastly there is the tailoring and upholstery. Oh! It is to die for! So beautiful and rich, you just want to run your hands all over and luxuriate in it. Choose from seven delectable colors — Onyx, Indigo, Tulip, Cream, Atmosphere, Fleur and Aquamarine. The color shown in the photo is the Tulip.

The new Peg Perego Book Pop-Up arrives to the USA this month, and has a retail price of $799. It will be available at specialty retailers and Buy Buy Baby.

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  1. Ok so here are my questions. We have been on the peg perego book pop up (PPBPU)page and completely off the Uppababy vista page.

    We love the PPBPU for every reason you stated. We love the design, the bassinet, the drive and manueverability, the gigantic basket, the easy fold, the front wheel lock. I mean every feature is amazing. The PPBPU has a car seat (primom viaggio) that attaches straight on the chassis and weighs just under 9 pounds. It looks like a fantastic car seat, very safe and easy to use in the car. We didn’t like the uppababy vista because it took us 10 minutes to figure out how to fold the thing in the store before someone had to teach us how, it is crazy bulky and heavy and those wheels are gigantic. I have been told that they can get stuck in smaller places. The extended sun visor looks like it can be ripped with one baby grab.

    However I’ve recently noticed a few differences that peg perego just doesn’t seem to have that Uppa does – and it is mostly additional accessories.
    1-the Vista has INCLUDED the mosquito net and rain cover for both the bassinet and the toddler seat. The PPBPU is additional.
    2- the Vista has included a bassinet cover to store and keep the bassinet clean. The PPBPU doesn’t even have this option.
    3- the Vista’s material is all machine washable. The PPBPU is hand wash… Who really wants to be bothered with that?!
    4- The Vista has an additional luggage carry case that can be purchased separately for travel. the PPBPU does not.
    5- the vista is able to be converted to a double or even a triple (ish) by adding the rumble seat or a rumble and buggy board. Now granted I don’t think it looks very comfortable but it may be worth it in the long run. The PPBPU doesn’t have this option but you can add a universal buggy board.

    There aren’t many reviews of the PPBPU so I was glad to come across yours. We were considering it in Onyx and then wondered if black would be too hot for our newbie as it attracts heat. The vista comes in a variety of colors. I don’t want to lean towards the vista, but I’m not sure why PP hasn’t included/thought of these additions especially for the price (which is higher than the vista!)

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

  2. i’ve compared both uppababy vista and peg popup…

    the vista is heavy and bulky…much heavier than the popup. also larger.
    the vista is difficult to move once it is folded. there is no way to grab it and lift it..
    you can hurt yourself , hurt your fingers…not fun..especially in the winter.
    the vista is not verry ergonomic.. the handle bar is pretty high.. it is meant for tall people.. if you are 5´6″ and less youre better with the peg pop up.
    you cannot adjust the bassinet head on the is flat and stays flat unless you put a pillow or something.
    as for the good thing about the upperbaby vista, they come in better looking color. the blue georgie is awasome.
    the other colors are very nice also, much more vibrant colors than peg perego.
    most fabric parts on the vista can be machine washed.
    the uppababy can use several baby car seat brands..such as graco, maxi cosi…
    in countries where the law limits the type of car seats being able to use other brands is a plus. peg baby car seats are much more expensive than maxi cosi or graco. and on the peg perego you can only use peg seats. no adapter available.
    The vista can become a two seaters.. with extra seat and brackets you can have two babies… or 2 bassinets or 2 baby car seats…or 1 seat plus 1 bassinet or 1 seat plus 1 baby car seat… got the idead ? it can handle 85pounds total.

    overall we decided to go with the peg pop up still… and here’s why:
    the peg popup is lighter, a little slimmer.
    Easier to fold, but also and most importanly once it is folded you can lift it easy without hurting your fingers..there are many safe zone to carry the folded stroller and put it in your trunk.
    if youre wearring saddle the peg pop up is also safer… on the vista you could also get hurt on the feet because of the handle bar that serve as a stand between you and the stroller.
    On the peg, the handle bar fold toward the other side, so there is less risk to hear your toes.
    ofcourse, the colors available on the peg pop up are kinda limited. in our countries, (canada) we only have few color choices.. all dull lifeless color. like black, grey, beige.. they dont offer any vibrant or modern color. in countries with big winter.. things can get dirty.. having a white color stroller is a bad idea. the fabric on the peg has the be hand washed… but most people seldom wash their stroller as frequently as they wash their cloth.. you only was once in a while…especially befor reselling it.
    Bottom line is that peg perego obviously have put more research into ergonomic than uppapaby.. it is a better overal experience running around with a peg perego than it is with a uppababy. mainly due to the lighter weight on the peg.
    both uppababy and peg pop are well built.. the uppababy feels very slightly more sturdy..but not that much. most people wont notice any difference in quality term.

    if there were things to change on the peg perego popup it would be the fabric colors for sure. and dirty winter condition in mind.. i guess there is no snow in italy.

    overall i prefer the peg perego pop up….for daily errants

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