How to wear the BabyBjörn Baby Miracle Carrier {WINNER}

In Baby, Kids by savvysassymoms80 Comments

The WINNER is Jennifer C.
“I love that you show how to put it on lol, and I have a baby boy due in October, this would be lovely to win!”

So, you’ve just recently purchased the and you take it out of the box and think… how do I put this thing on and more importantly how do I get my baby in it?  Well, I can help with that!  Watch this video demonstration of how to wear a BabyBjörn Miracle Carrier!


Enter to WIN the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Miracle

1.  Please leave a comment telling me what you thought of the video or the why you want to WIN!

2.  Share this giveaway by tweeting ” I want to win the @BabyBjornUS Baby Carrier Miracle from @savvysassymoms watch her demonstrate how to wear it ”

or share this link on Facebook

Extra Entires

3.  Like BabyBjorn on Facebook

4.  Follow BabyBjörn on Twitter

5.  Like Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook


*This contest ends at 11:59pm PST on August 17th 2012
*Must be 18 years old to enter and win

Disclosure:  This is a sponsored video but all my savvy thoughts and sassy opinions are my own. 

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. I love how easy it is to wear and how baby can face out 😉

  2. Great video! I had an original BabyBjorn with my 6 y/o, loved it but gave it away. My third baby is colicky and I sure could use another carrier as he wants to be carried all of the time! Eeks!

  3. I’d love to try the Miracle carrier with my new nephew,love the baby doll substitution!

  4. follow Baby Bjorn on Twtter @sunshyne197

  5. I would love to win one of these! It looks so easy to use and I love how it goes up to 22 lbs!

  6. great video, i would love to win because i love babywearing

  7. Video was great & I want to win because I could really use one. I’m 33 wks pregnant and would love to have a carrier, but a quality one like this babybjorn carrier! Thank you for the chance!

  8. I need one of these and I can honestly say the video answered most of my questions!

  9. I Follow BabyBjörn on Twitter @immortalb4

  10. Im a new mom. I have to say this carrier looks super easy! I would absolutely love to win this! I have wanted one ever since I saw them! My son is getting heavy, and very clingy. This is an awesome giveaway! Good luck all!

  11. I’ve never used a baby carrier, but in a few months I will be, so I thought your video was very helpful! I actually registered for a Baby Bjorn (two of them!), so would love to win and check one off my list 🙂 *fingers crossed*

  12. Great video, I would love to win because I love to wear my baby!

  13. Great video! I love how easy it is to assemble and also the ruler that adjusts to baby’s height. nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com

  14. I like BabyBjorn on Facebook – nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com

  15. Following BabyBjorn on Twitter @nat5732
    nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com

  16. I like Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook – nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com

  17. Pingback: Two new products from BabyBjorn | Savvy Sassy Moms

  18. I want to win a BabyBjörn Miracle carrier because BBj is BY FAR the best out there!

  19. I want to win because my brother is having his first baby in November and this would be great for them

  20. What a great video! Babybjorn needs a tutorial that you can pause and play again. I watch my friends do it and I’m like “huh?”

  21. i was told by a friend that is a very good carrier and I need it for my newborn coming soon in 4 months

  22. Liked Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook. Looking forward to your content!

  23. would love to win becaue it will be a great thing to have when traveling with an infant.

  24. Great video! I’m glad you pointed out that it will come in 2 pieces! I would have thought it was defective! LOL.

    I would like to win so I can carry my newborn!

  25. I follow Baby Bjorn on Twitter. @4649miranda

  26. This looks so easy to use!! The video really helps in showing how easy it is. This carrier is so much better than what was available when my daughter was a baby, this would be great to have for my grandson!!

  27. Babywearing is something I’d love to start doing with my 2nd little one on the way (due Sept!). Didn’t really do this with my first and the video demonstrates how much more easier it is and comfortable for both mommy and baby. On top of that, I am a fan of Baby Bjorn!

  28. I love this tutorial. I always wondered how you got that contraption on! I’m expecting our first and love that you do videos to help new moms with the tools everyone says you “must have!”

  29. I liked Baby Bjorn on Facebook, thanks for the giveaway

  30. you make it look so easy I just dont like feeling that my sons head is in my neck

  31. It seems like very practical and easy to use this Babybjorn carrier. Also I’m looking for a carrier which can be used for front facing.

  32. i would love to win because i really need to have my hands free to chase my 20 mo… i could put my 6 wk old in the carrier and still be able to play

  33. I love that you show how to put it on lol, and I have a baby boy due in October, this would be lovely to win!

  34. I like Baby Bjorn on facebook Jennifer Kathleen Crewell

  35. I follwo baby bjorn on twitter @jennifercrewell

  36. I like savvy sassy moms on facebook! jennifer kathleen crewell

  37. The quality of the baby bjorn seemed really excellent! I would love to win that!

  38. I followed on Twitter sn: brad462
    I liked Baby Bjorn and savvy sassy moms on facebook: andrea liss

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