Getting started with Stiya

In Tech by Katie KavullaLeave a Comment


Meet Stiya

We’re so excited to feature the app, Stiya, in our #SummerScoop4Moms this year. Not only is this app made for moms, but it was created by one!

Stiya, short for Stories in Your Attic, isn’t just another picture sharing app.

How to get started with Stiya

Starting with Stiya is as easy as downloading it to your phone. Available via iTunes (Android coming soon!), when you open Stiya for the first time, it prompts you to create an account and then to allow it access to your photos.

Then, let the magic of Stiya begin! In the blink of an eye, all of the photographs from your phone are organized into journals on the app.

You can also allow it to access your location, a feature that sets Stiya apart. As it automatically creates your journals, it will also organize them by location, so all of your road trip pictures are ready to go or your summer vacation adventures are set for sharing or finding later. Leave notes about that yummy cafe you visited on your last date night or the exact location of the to-die-for ice cream shop you discovered when you were lost.


Get sharing

Once everything is in your Stiya journals, it’s time to get sharing! One of our favorite features of Stiya is that you can so easily share your journals with family members and friends via social media, text, and email. When you’re in a journal, just click the button in the upper right-hand corner and choose your sharing method!

Of course, this mostly comes in handy to give grandparents and family members who aren’t on social media a quick and easy picture update… or, it allows you to share your pictures from an event or vacation without having to dump everything onto Facebook where the entire world can see!

The other useful sharing feature comes when you’re sharing your notes about a specific location. Let your friends know where you’ve been traveling and leave little tips for having fun with kids while you’re there!

Stiya is truly the best new way to get all of those stories out from the attics of our mom minds!


Share a Stiya journal to win

Join Savvy Sassy Moms and Project Nursery on Wednesday, May 25th on Twitter for our first #SummerScoop4Moms Twitter Party. Before or during the party, share your Stiya app and use the hashtag to be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card! You can read all of the details of the Twitter Party and RSVP on Savvy Sassy Moms.

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Meet the Author | Katie Kavulla

Having just made the move from big city life to settle down in the town where she and her husband both grew up, Katie Kavulla is a mom of three who strives to slow life down a bit… as impossible as that is with three kids under the age of 10. A blogger turned writer, Katie has spent the past few years combining the things that she loves into a career, with a focus on helping other moms tell their story, because Katie truly believes that every mom has one to tell.

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