Family Travels to Southeast Asia!

In Travel by savvysassymoms4 Comments


This Savvy Sassy Family wants to win a
$10,000 vacation and a Reader bundle prize pack from Sony.

Here is our postcard entry from our Southeast Asia Tour!

“Cambodia & Vietnam were incredible!  The people, food, landscape & buildings – like nothing we’ve seen. The kids have experienced a whole new world – and understand it better thanks to reading Lonely Planets w/them. (Whew! I D/L’d ’em before leaving.  No Internet for days!) Looking forward to some city-vacationing now as we head to Kuala Lumpur. Meeting w/ some friends we’ve known only online.”  – Have Kids still Travel – Harris and AndreaPlease vote for our Family Trip, you can vote every day for 1 week!


Send the Savvy Sassy Family to Southeast Asia!  Vote for us  HERE

Why you should vote for us?  Well, because we are savvy travelers and have a HUGE passion for traveling with our kids.  Our dream is to show them the world!  They had their passports by the age of 2 and we have taken them to Barcelona, Spain for 1 month and Costa Rica for 1 month.  We have grown to love our 1 month extended work-cations because we can really settle into a new place and explore with no time constraints (ideal when traveling with small children). 

We had dreams of going around the world with our children for 1 year and had to set them aside due to to some unfortunate business and financial circumstances.  This is a dream that we talk about almost daily.  Our family is at its very best when traveling together.  We would love to take this trip and invite the online world to follow our journey and learn about places they have never seen before.

Come on don’t you want to read Savvy Sassy Moms:  Southeast Asia edition?
Vote for your us Harris F   (it only takes a second) and you can vote everyday until Arpil 27th.

Contest Prize:  $10,000 to spend on a dream vacation, a Reader Pocket Edition™ for you and one for a friend, plus a $100 Reader Store Gift Card so you can stock up on the latest bestsellers. Sounds like a memorable adventure awaits!


Disclosure:  We were told about this contest from a friend who knows we LOVE to travel with our kids, so Harris entered for us.  I have no relationship with SONY what so ever.

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. Pingback: Southeast Asia Trip for FREE???? « Harris Fellman

  2. The headline of Harris’ emails – “Win a Trip to Southeast Asia” – made my blood run cold. That was the way my brother and cousins referred to registering for The Draft back in the 1970s. My brother wasn’t drafted, but one of our cousins was and was near-fatally wounded in Vietnam.

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