Three Easter outfit choices

In Fashion, Style by Natalia Simmons2 Comments

Easter is right around the corner as I’m sure you’ve seen if you’re ever on Pinterest! (April 20th if you were wondering!) Personally, I truly love this holiday for what it represents, the beautiful spring weather that is making itself known, and time when the whole family comes together.

However, when holidays like this come around, I’m usually stuck getting things together last minute, I don’t have time to decide on something to wear. I usually throw something on I’ve worn a million times before and my hair goes into a ‘messy bun.’ Whoever brought messy back — THANK YOU.

This time I am not going to get caught off guard. I’ve prepared three outfits to share with you today and I’m gonna rock one of them. I’m also pretty certain that no matter how you celebrate this holiday, one of these will work for you.

Coral me Happy! (Casual Easter Outfit)

Casual Easter sunday outfit

If church isn’t your vibe and you’d rather have a lovely brunch with friends, this is your outfit. Boyfriend jeans are adorably cute and super comfortable. Throw some coral/pink/yellow/lavender and you’ve got yourself an Easter outfit! Love the tank top and the clutch!

 Pretty in Pink

pink Easter sunday outfit

Beautiful, right? Can I have an excuse to wear this every day please? It’s the perfect pretty in pink to wear to church, family gathering, dinner, you name it! You could also switch out the heels to flats to rock that Easter egg hunt. We all know tea length skirts are in – let’s rock ’em!

Easter Sunday

The perfect easter sunday outfit

Somehow this represents the perfect Easter Sunday outfit to me. If you do happen to go to church on Easter Sunday, this is perfect. It’s bright and colorful to match the season. It’s pretty and put together and modest and feminine. Sounds like a winning combo to me! That dress is gorgeous.

So there you have it! These are my three choices for Easter Sunday.

So tell me, which category do you think you’d fall into?

Meet the Author | Natalia Simmons

Natalia Simmons is a mom to two crazy boys and wife to one handsome dude. She lives in France part of the year where her husband plays professional basketball, but she hails from Southern California. The hubs was born & raised in Nassau, Bahamas, which makes them an intercultural, interracial family traveling the globe together since 2007. She loves to cook (but mostly eat), hang with her fam, be adventurous, & find ways to stay girlie in a house full of men. On her site you can find loads of hair tutorials, makeup ideas, & fashion tips for the everyday woman. She believes that beauty and fashion don’t have to be intimidating and that every woman should learn to embrace her own beauty.

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  1. I love love love these outfits! They’re all so pretty and perfectly springy! I am definitely leaning toward the “pretty in pink” outfit- loving that gorgeous skirt!


  2. Can we get links to buy some of these pieces? Or a list of stores? I need some finishing touches.

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