City Select

The Hunt For the Best Double Stroller

In Kids by Esther Carlstone1 Comment

With second babies, there’s not much one needs since you already have most of the essentials still leftover from the first. However, one of the few things that we are on the hunt for is a… gasp! double stroller.

I KNOW. Those things are huge and even the thought of folding a double stroller up on my own to put in the car scares me a little. But, alas, Little Miss is not quite at the point where she’s willing to walk forever on her own, and still enjoys being in a stroller. We still love the UPPABaby Vista we have, and originally bought it because of its option for transforming to a double with the addition of an additional seat, but quickly realized the lack of configuration options. Basically, the older child has to sit with their feet in the basket always facing the younger child (i.e. no looking out for that kiddo.) and toddlers LOVE to look out and see the action. The 2nd seat also can’t be reclined which kind of is a deal breaker for stroller naps.

So, off to stroller hunt we went. And as a crazy mom who has to research everything forever before deciding, this was no easy feat. But in the end, we’ve narrowed it down to these three choices:

Double Strollers

City Select

Baby Jogger City Select with Extra Seat

I see this stroller all over town with moms who have multiples.

The Pros: It has 16 different configurations from 2 seats from facing each other, to facing out, to a bassinet and regular seat! Basically, it can do it all. And if I’m only taking one kid out, no problem since it easily transforms from a double to a single and back again. It also has a telescoping handle which is key when your husband is a foot taller than you.

The Cons: It’s heavy and bulky. Not really much more so than our Vista, but it is still quite a load. You also have to remove the 2nd seat to fold it and put it in your car. Also, the additional seat and bassinet have to be purchased separately adding on to the total price tag of the stroller.

City Mini Double

City Mini Double

Made by the same company as the Select, this double stroller is also really popular – especially at major theme parks.

The Pros: Just like the mega-popular single version of this stroller, it’s SUPER EASY to fold. You literally just pull up on the handle and voila! It also only weighs 26 lbs, which isn’t all that bad for a double stroller.

The Cons: Because the seats are side-by-side, it’s wide. I can’t imagine ever being able to successfully navigate through narrow store aisles with this one. The basket is also pretty much useless and difficult to access. And knowing all the stuff I usually cram into my diaper bag, that’s a big deal.

Bumbleride Indietwin

Bumbleride Indietwin

This is a brand I was really unfamiliar with, but very much impressed with when I came across it.

The Pros: It’s sleek and stylish with awesome color options,and has a generously-sized basket, which we all know is essential. It also has a very extensive sun-canopy, which in almost always sunny SoCal, is a must and air-filled tires for a smooth ride. It also has a bassinet option (sold separately) which is nice if you really wanted one for the new baby.

The Cons: It’s 34 lbs, which is supposedly on the lighter side for a side-by-side double, but still! Again, this is another side by side double, which sounds difficult for navigating stores and narrow city sidewalks.

As of right now, we’re definitely leaning towards the City Select with an additional seat, but I’ll keep you posted!

What are your favorite double strollers?

Meet the Author | Esther Carlstone

Esther is the mother to a silly 20-month old daughter who hates wearing clothes. Born and raised in Southern California, she attended UCLA where she received her Bachelors Degree in English and continues to live and love Los Angeles many years after. After a decade-long stint as an event planner, she is now a writer/editor for various websites and blogs about all thing lovely at her site, A Lovely State of Mind. She's hates trolling through unorganized sales racks and is obsessed with fashion, food, travel, pop culture, Instagramming, good design, and too many TV shows to count. Oh, and coffee totally counts as a food group (the main one if you have a kid.) You can find Esther on her blog, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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  1. Great overview, all excellent choices! For a compromise between the City Mini double and the Indie Twin, the City Mini GT double stroller may also be a great fit for parents!

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