This post was sponsored by Neutrogena® as part of an influencer activation for The Motherhood. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
When we think about our health, we think about getting sick and taking steps to ensure that doesn’t happen. We wash our hands as frequently as possible and take all appropriate measures to stay as healthy as we can, but many of us forget about our skin. Many of us only think about applying sunscreen during the summer months when the sun is blazing down on us. Unfortunately, I learned how important it is to take care of our skin the hard way. Whether it be a terrible sunburn, or a case of skin cancer in my immediately family, I am always reminded to take care of my skin now to protect myself from the negative effects of the sun.
Staying safe with Neutrogena
You can tell from my skin tone that the sun is not my friend, and it is no different for my kids. I am covered in freckles and burn very easily. As a woman, adding Neutrogena Beach Defence Sunscreen to my morning routine came naturally to me. For children, it’s not as easy — or enjoyable! In our house, mornings feel chaotic — as they are in everyone home. Still, we always take a few minutes to engage in our sunscreen routine together.
When my children see me doing something, they want to #MimicMommy. So I always set a good example for my children by applying my sunscreen with them. We head to the bathroom, turn up the music and start our day off right by brushing our teeth and putting on our Neutrogena sunscreen. The kids always look forward to choosing what song we will listen to each day. Just like anything else, I find that if I set a good example for my children, they will follow right behind me. Watch our video on Facebook to see how we get our groove on and apply sunscreen each morning!
Choosing the right sunscreen for my family
Growing up, I always had very difficult skin so I am very cautious about what I use on it. The same goes for my children. Addison has very sensitive skin, and sometimes it’s hard to tell what causes a reaction. I always choose her sunscreen with great care. As I am sure you experience with your kids, my kids always want to use “mommy’s”. It doesn’t matter what it is, mommy’s is always better! Neutrogena has a whole line of sunscreens for kids and adults, so everyone is happy!
What should you do?
Applying sunscreen once a day is not enough, so re-application is key! When Addison and I are out and about or headed to the park, I always make sure to re-apply when we get to our destination and throughout the day. We make applying sunscreen together a daily routine, and you should, too. The earlier you start, the better to keep our kids safe from the sun. We can create the first sun-safe generation!
Neutrogena gives back
Neutrogena is launching the MimicMommy MOVEment, to rally moms to help change skin cancer statistics and raise the first generation of sun-safe children. In partnership with Neutrogena, YouTube stars the Holderness Family encourage us all to get up and DANCE our way to sun protected skin. Check out the new video here: The #MimicMommy Dance. To help support this important cause, Neutrogena will donate $10K to the Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation.
We want YOU to be sunsafe, so we are offering three winners a #MimicMommy suncreen kit from Neutrogena, including select sunscreen products for the family! Head over to our Instagram to enter!
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