I used to love cooking. I mean really, really love cooking. When I was first married I’d whip up some pretty breathtaking dinners. I wasn’t afraid to try out new recipes or cook something I had never had before. And that’s because I had all the time in the world. Fast forward to today with two kids under six, a part time job and all the other responsibilities that life brings and I’m more of an order-in, fend for yourself, eat leftovers type of girl. I’m a far cry from the culinary cutie I used to be — but only because I simply don’t have the time.
Tastery: In-home chef services
But what if someone could cook for you — a chef that knew exactly what your family liked to eat, knew how to make meals tasty and healthy and catered to your every foodie whim? Tastery.com does just that.
This new company offers in-home chef services for families large and small. They can do anything from make you a week’s worth of food to catering your next gathering.
Easy to use
I had the chance to try out their services and setting up a session was easy. I logged on to their site and answered a short questionnaire about my likes and dislikes. Think questions like: are you a vegetarian, do you like spice, do you have any allergies, what kinds of proteins do you like, and what is your favorite kind of food? Based on the info I gave them, they matched me with a chef who could deliver what I wanted — Susan Carter.
My personal chef!
She came to my house with everything she needed to cook three main dishes plus six sides. Here’s what our menu looked like… and we loved that we would be able to mix and match these plates to our liking!
Marinated skirt steak
Garlic chicken breasts
Sauteed corn
Mashed Yukon gold potatoes
Baby spinach and arugula salad
Coconut rice
Roasted Brussels sprouts
Quinoa with roasted veggies
Knowing that I had just had a baby, Chef Susan made sure that the spices she used and the ingredients she cooked with were tailor-made for a new mom. Did you know that the spice fenugreek is good for milk supply or that rainbow carrots are a better source of vitamins that the plain old orange variety? Neither did I.
Not only did she prep and cook but, she cleaned up so well now one would have every known she was there. I think the kitchen might have been cleaner than when she started.
This service is definitely a plus for working moms, new moms, or heck — anyone who needs a well-deserved break from kitchen duties. If anything it might just be enough to renew your faith in cooking.
Moms, what would you have a personal chef cook for your family?
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