The problem:
My inbox is overwhelming and a bit scary. I know I am not alone. Email is the main source of our daily communication, and no matter what you do for a living we all get bombarded with emails. I am a very visual person and wished that my inbox would look a little more like Pinterest or Instagram, if it did, I may want to actively participate in it a little bit more. An e-mail inbox is about the least visually stimulating thing I can look at. (No offense to those of you sending me emails.)
Sometimes I want to casually read things that come in to my inbox when I am not “working” but to learn, search, discover and read items more for my own personal pleasure. I want to click through and shop or browse a website, but when I do this on my laptop if feels a bit more like “work” or that I should be doing something else or get distracted by social media sites. Or that I am in a hurry to just get through all the e-mails I skip things that I may want to actually read. And if you have an ipad, you typically are using Apps that make browsing more friendly and fun right? So why not have a friendly email App that looks pretty but is organized and smart? (kind of like you)
The Solution:
Let me introduce you to an App that makes cruising through your inbox more like casually cruising a bookstore looking at all the pretty books but only picking up the ones you want to read and learn a bit more about. This is how I feel when I am using the Incredimail App on my new ipad. The emails are all in touch screen boxes in a magazine type layout. Pictures fromthe email or that are attached also show up front and center. Making your emails pretty and vey visual, which automatically makes for easy scanning and a better chance at me opening them! (Email marketers should love this App)
The Incredimail App also integrates with all your Facebook photos so you can easily see what is happening and like things without having to actually be on Facebook. Scroll through photo updates fast and so quickly. Even this is a prettier way to see your friends and family without all the ads and other junk on your Facebook homepage.
I love being able to take my ipad with me and casually check my emails, browse websites, and read newsletters while sitting and waiting. It’s so much better than using my phone and feels like my own personal life magazine. I am hoping that they integrate Instagram into the App next!
Download the Incredimail App for FREE
Disclosure: I was sent an ipad in exchange for reviewing the Incredimail App. All my savvy thoughts and sassy opinions are my very own. I share this with you because I genuinely like this app and will continue to use it on my ipad.
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