How herbs can help Moms stress less In the new year

In Beauty, Living, Style by savvysassymomsLeave a Comment

Stress is nothing new. When our distant ancestors moved out of the trees and into the grasslands, it was a reaction to a short-term crisis: physical danger, a food shortage, a weather event. But for modern humans (if you’re reading this, consider yourself “modern”), the situations that produce stress have multiplied. And they come more frequently.

We now have mortgages, careers, deadlines, and a relentless 24-hour news cycle, and stress borders on being a chronic problem for lots of people. Just ask any parent, especially the moms.

In 2009 the Pew Research Center reported that 82% of at-home moms and 86% of working moms experience regular or frequent stress in their daily lives. That number is probably even higher today, since the economy hadn’t completely bottomed when those numbers came out.

I know all about the stresses of working motherhood. As co-founder of Third Coast Herb Company, I basically have three children: two small boys and a five-year-old business.

I admit I’ve always had something of a stressed-out personality, what some would call “Type A.” But when I became a mother, it ramped up to an entirely different level. It wasn’t just the extra work and lack of “me time.” Before kids, the pressure to do stuff “the right way” was pretty much of my own making. Then, as a mom, it seemed there was an entire world out there ready to point out that I was doing it all wrong.

Other moms I knew were experiencing similar kinds of stress, plus the fatigue and generally run-down state that come from being under pressure too often and for too long. But none of these moms was interested in taking prescription medication that could dull their senses or be habit forming.

They wanted something natural, safe, and available over the counter. So did I.

Besides the products we discuss below, CBD oil is another natural alternative commonly used. Since cannabis is legal in Canada, it’s easy to get CBD oil in major cities across the country or online. Here in the United States, it’s legal in many states. It’s being used to relieve stress, anxiety and more serious conditions.

Herbalogic makes nine formulas for common health concerns, including trouble sleeping, fatigue, hot flashes and PMS mood swings

Herbalogic makes nine formulas for common health concerns, including trouble sleeping, fatigue, hot flashes and PMS mood swings

I turned to what I knew: Chinese herbal medicine. Working with my partner in Third Coast, master herbalist David Jones, we launched Herbalogic, a line of functional herb drops. And one of our first products was an herbal stress formula we called “Decompress.”

Decompress is an herbal tincture for stress and tension made in the USA using one of the foundation formulas of Chinese medicine.

Decompress is an herbal tincture for stress and tension made in the USA using one of the foundation formulas of Chinese medicine.

Decompress is a modern version of a formula with a thousand-year history. Called Xiao Yao San in Chinese, its name sometimes translates as “free and easy wanderer,” painting a picture of a person with no burdens, absolute freedom, and a feeling of peacefulness. The magic of Decompress is in its combination of herbs, which ease irritability, tension, and aggravation and produce a general sense of well-being. It’s simple to take — you can add the liquid to tea or a small amount of water, or you can put it directly under your tongue before swallowing for faster results. Quick and easy.

Chinese angelica root, one of eight herbal ingredients in Herbalogic's Decompress stress formula.

Chinese angelica root, one of eight herbal ingredients in Herbalogic’s Decompress stress formula.

Decompress helps me keep my perspective and lets me think clearly. Now I realize there is a big gap between good mom and perfect mom, and that I don’t have to cross it. Plus, it helps keep me from hurling four-letter expletives at other drivers while my preschooler is in the back seat.

Note: Like all herbal tinctures, Decompress should not be taken if you’re pregnant or nursing.


Herbalogic is giving all of our Savvy Sassy Readers 15% off through the end of January in their store, so don’t miss out!


Jeanine Adinaro is president and co-founder of Third Coast Herb Company of Austin, Texas.

Jeanine Adinaro

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jeanine Adinaro, LAc, MAOM, is graduate of AOMA Graduate School of Integrated Medicine in Austin, Texas, and a licensed Acupuncturist. She is also president and co-founder of Third Coast Herb Company, makers of Herbalogic herbal health products. To learn more or purchase Decompress, an herbal stress and tension relief formula, visit the Herbalogic website.

IMAGES All images are courtesy of Third Coast Herb Company. All rights reserved.

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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