Everywhere we look, we are hearing about the very popular weighted blankets. In schools, at the doctor, and amongst friends, we are hearing about their benefits. So, we thought we would give them a try to see what they are all about. The question is “Do weighted blankets really help you sleep better?” We are testing out both adult and kids weighted blankets from Hush to see if they work and what the benefits are.
The benefits of a good nights sleep
We all know that a good nights sleep is extremely important to how we function the very next day. While a day after a poor nights sleep for a child results in more temper tantrums and poor behaviour, the day after a poor nights sleep for an adult results in being less accomplished, less patient and more coffee!! There is no explanation needed on why children need to have a good nights sleep, but for moms, when we don’t sleep well, the whole family suffers! AmIRight?
Who are weighted blankets for?
Weighted Blankets help those who suffer from sleep issues, including insomnia, those who have issues falling asleep or even those who have trouble staying asleep. There has also been lots of talk about the benefits of weighted blankets for those who suffer from anxiety, ADHD, OCD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, and Stress!
How it works
While you may think that piling yourself under lots and lots of covers will do the trick, it isn’t quite the same. Weighted blankets use Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation. We have all had those nights when you wake up and check the clock every hour, but those rare nights when you sleep until the alarm goes off are just too few and far between! DTPS helps you fall into a deeper sleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up incredibly refreshed. Ummmmm, yes please!! To get clinical, DTPS reduces cortisol (aka the stress hormone), and releases serotonin (aka the happy hormone) and melatonin (aka the sleep hormone).
Our case studies testing Hush Blankets!
For us moms, we both have the same issue…when bedtime hits, falling asleep isn’t the issue. In fact, we are ready to go and can’t wait for our heads to hit the pillow! Come 3 a.m., the eyes are wide open, even though our bodies so desperately want to go back to sleep. This is when the mind wanders and then you falling back asleep becomes even harder. We have had some good conversations at 3 a.m., but we both would much rather be asleep!!! After starting to use the weighted blanket, we both found that we were waking up less frequently, and making it past 3 a.m. (hurray!) This is huge! What was most surprising, was how much better we felt the next day. Revived and ready for a productive day…and we’ve even shed one cup of coffee!
Did the Hush blanket help our kids sleep?
For the kids, this has been life-changing. I am still pinching myself when I wake up before the kids during the week! Both of my kids have different sleep issues. For Jonah, once he is asleep, he stays asleep, but falling asleep is no easy task. It takes a while for the melatonin to release so that he feels tired. How many books can one parent read before bed…I end up falling asleep before him! It’s the bedtime routine that never ends! For Addi, falling asleep is as easy for her as it is for me, but staying asleep the whole night is a challenge. After many suggestions and trials and errors, we thought a weighted blanket might do the trick. After using the weighted blanket, our nights are forever changed! So many people have messaged us on Instagram asking if they really do work and here is the answer: YES!
The weighted blanket gives Jonah just what he needs to fall asleep at a reasonable hour and on his own. He loves the weight of it on his body. Bedtimes with him are no longer dreaded! For Addi, I literally thought a full night sleep was nowhere in our near future. Her Hush blanket has done wonders for her. The little lady who never slept past 5am unless she was up for an hour in the middle of the night, is now sleeping THROUGH THE NIGHT and until 7am! Moms, rejoice! The Hush blanket has saved us all! I see a change in her behaviour as well since she is more rested. Fewer meltdowns and fewer tears which makes for a much happier day for us all!
This post is sponsored by Hush, all opinions are our own.
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