Celebrating New Year’s Eve with kids

In Kids by Guest WriterLeave a Comment

New Year’ Eve is right around the corner and I am excited to ring in 2018… even if it’s at 7 p.m. It’s likely midnight somewhere, right? Celebrating New Year’s Eve now that we’re parents is an entirely different ballgame — the days of spending hours picking out a swanky dress and getting dolled up seem long gone. But, we wouldn’t have it any other way, either.

Here are some of favorite ways to celebrate New Year’s Eve with kids. Hope you have a blast ringing in 2018 with your family!

5 Ways to Celebrate New Year's Eve with Kids

Pour some bubbly

Kids will love having traditional gummy bears floating in their sparkling apple cider or sparkling grape juice, while you can add Champange Gummy Bears to your own glass of Rose or Champagne for a fun way to “cheers” at the strike of midnight.

New Years goes POP!

There is nothing more fun that heading to the grocery store to buy hundreds of confetti poppers. Yes, they are a mess, but quite possibly one of my favorite New Year’s traditions. If you have little ones who are noise-shy, make sure you let them test one out before the big event so they know what the POP will sound like.

Make New Year’s glow

Head to your local discount store to buy as many glow-in-the-dark necklaces/bracelet packets as you can handle. I take water bottles and put some glow in the dark sticks into them and then seal them back up. Use the bracelets and necklaces as rings to toss over the glowing water bottles for hours of kid fun to keep them busy while they wait for midnight.

Pump up the 2017 jams

Who doesn’t love a little kid’s karaoke in their life? Make sure you play all the best hits of 2017. Your kids probably know the words better than you do, anyway!

Pick your New Year’s time

It’s midnight somewhere! Don’t feel like you need to wait until midnight to celebrate the arrival of 2018. Pick somewhere around the world and jump in on their celebration to keep bedtimes on track as you head into the new year. 

This post was contributed by Veena Crownholm. Veena was Miss California 2004 and forth runner-up to Miss America. Since then, she has worked extensively in the non­-profit industry specializing in special event fundraising and program development. After giving birth to her son in late 2010, Veena began contributing to lifestyle media outlets. She has made appearances on national television programs including HLN, Raising America, Inside Edition, The Insider, CBS/KCAL9 and Huffington Post Live, as well as being featured in the Los Angeles Times, Kids in the House and Randi Zuckerberg’s Dot Complicated. You can find more from Veena Instagram and Twitter.


Meet the Author | Guest Writer

This post was written by someone who we think has some pretty savvy ideas! We love sharing creative, informative and fun things form guest contributors!

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